An open-source, fully built Cypress Framework in page object model with visual regression, lighthouse code audit, accessibility tests, mobile view port compatibility tests, browserstack, jenkins,docker configuration 🌲
🚀 Global reach of CypressIO sessions through Teachable.
CypressIO Basics CypressIO Architecture CypressIO Docker
- Node version 12 or above
- Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ or WebstormIDE or any valid IDE
It takes just 5 minutes to setup cypress framework 🚀
- npm install
- npm link
- npm link cypress-cucumber-preprocessor
- npm install through
- go to cypress.json file
- set baseurl
- Go to project root,
- npx cypress open
- click specific feature file [executionwillstart]
- npm run test:mochawesomereport
- npm run test:allurereport
- npm run generatereport
- npm i -g lambdatest-cypress-cli
- lambdatest-cypress init
- lambdatest-cypress run
Detailed Video: LambdaTest Integration with Cypress Framework
- npm run test:visual-base
- npm run test:visual-actual
- Snapshots will be generated in 'snapshots' folder
Reports will be generated in 'mochawesomereport-report' folder - command line execution only
ex: npm run test:mochawesomereport
Allure reports: a. npm run test:allurereport b. npm run generatereport
- Installation in repository: npm install -g browserstack-cypress-cli
- Create Json file of browserstack through: browserstack-cypress init
- Update the browserstack.json using standard configurations. (Example:
- Run the tests in browserstack: browserstack-cypress run
- Samuel Anthony Custer for cypress-axe,
- Vinayak Titti for cypress-boilerplate,
- abramenal for cypress-file-upload,
- Ben Kucera for cypress-plugin-tab,
- Gleb Bahmutov for cypress-xpath,
- Michael Herman for cypress-visual-regression,
- Jack Cross for cypress-image-snapshot,
- Lukasz Gandecki for cypress-cucumber-preprocessor.
Scalable and Reliable Cross Browser Testing With Cypress Framework. 🚀
Most Famous Cypress Automated Tests for Developers and Testers
🎉 Learn ISTQB Test Automation Engineering along with CypressIO:
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