A simple API service for QR Code generation/recognition.
This project provide Bearychat integration.
GET /encode?content=helloWorld&size=400&type=png
QR Code size in pixel, may not be honoredtype
(default) orstring
- HTTP status 200 OK
A image/png
or plain text(type=string
- HTTP status 400 Bad Request
Check your params.
- HTTP status 500
Something unexpected happened.
POST /decode
Params: image as binary body
- HTTP status 200 OK
Good decoding:
"ok": true,
"desc": "",
"content": [
Everything is ok, but nothing recognized:
"ok": true,
"desc": "",
"content": null
Something is wrong:
"ok": false,
"desc": "file decoding error: image: unknown format",
"content": null
- HTTP status 413 Request Entity Too Large
Request Body is too large.
- HTTP status 500
Something unexpected happened.
There is a pre-compiled Docker image alone with C++ dependencies(ZBar), you may pull the image like following:
docker pull nanmu42/qrcode-api
See Docker
directory for docker-compose.yaml
and more detail.
If you'd like to get you hands dirty, you can build this project as following:
Download and compile ZBar for shared dependencies:
wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/zbar/zbar/0.10/zbar-0.10.tar.bz2
# or, if you are suffering decoding troubles on UTF-8, try this modified version:
# wget /~https://github.com/nanmu42/zbar-utf8/archive/master.zip
tar -xf zbar-0.10.tar.bz2
cd zbar-0.10
export CFLAGS=""
./configure --disable-video --without-imagemagick --without-qt --without-python --without-gtk --without-x --disable-pthread
make install
Go to cmd/api
or cmd/bearychat
for further instruction, more details are in README.md there.
Copyright (c) 2018 LI Zhennan
Use of this work is governed by an MIT License. You may find a license copy in project root.