Note: Archived. See this /~
Collection of twitter utilities.
Once generated, create output for twarc
nmn$ cat | jq '.[] | @text' | tr -d '"' > ~/workspace/twarc-work/ids.txt
$ pip install twitter-utils
The following sub-commands are currently implemented
Download all tweet identifiers for an account between given dates. Stores all tweet identifies in a file with the format "--.tweets.json".
Sample run:
$ twitter-utils tweets-between --account DashCamTwats --since 2020-04-10 --until 2020-04-25
✅ Search URL:
... (progress)
✅ Total tweets: 114
📝 Tweets(identifiers) written in DashCamTwats_2020-04-10_2020-04-25.txt
Find the parent tweet if you provide a reply of the original tweet. It prints the parent tweet URL along with Twitter handle and status identifier.
Sample run:
$ twitter-utils parent-tweet --account plastered41 --tweetid 1259071349152272386
✅ Replied Tweet URL:
👉 Parent Tweet URL:
📝 Parent Tweet Handle: DashCamTwats, Status Id: 1259057703286116352
Find all the replies of a given tweet. Stores all tweet identifies in a file with the format "-.tweets.json".
Sample run:
$ twitter-utils download-replies --account DashCamTwats --tweetid 1259057703286116352
✅ Tweet URL:
... (progress)
🤩 Looks like we are done
✅ Total tweets: 41
📝 Replies(identifiers) written in DashCamTwats_1259057703286116352.txt
find backroom/raw-tweets/.../*.html | while read file; do basename $file ".html"; done > backroom/twarc-tweet-ids/....txt
uses Firefox by default, but it can be overridden by providing an alternate browser.
Supporting Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
To use Safari instead of Firefox, pass the --browser
option before specifying the sub-command.
twitter-utils --browser safari ...
And to use Chrome
twitter-utils --browser chrome ...
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
You'll need a working version of Python3
to run these scripts.
- Create and use new virtual env
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install required dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run locally
$ python ...
$ make package
Enter the username and password for repo when prompted
twarc A command line tool (and Python library) for archiving Twitter JSON