Write Remote Telescope Markup Language (RTML) XML files to be read by ACP Scheduler.
ACP Scheduler is a commercial tool used to automatically schedule and execute observing plans for telescopes.
The observing plans can be entered manually using the Scheduler's GUI, or imported from RTML files.
The ScheduleRTML
package allows you to automatically write these RTML plans.
python 2.7
or abovelxml
Create and activate a conda
environment with the necessary modules:
$ conda create -n schedulertml lxml configparser
$ source activate schedulertml
Install the ScheduleRTML
$ pip install git+/~https://github.com/naamach/schedulertml.git
The RTML schema compatible with ACP Scheduler is described here. More details can be found here.
This is a minimal working example, that creates a plan, NewPlan.xml
, with a single 300s exposure in V-band:
from schedulertml import rtml
root = rtml.init(name="Observer",
root = rtml.add_request(root,
root = rtml.add_target(root,
root = rtml.add_picture(root,
rtml.write(root, "NewPlan.xml")
The parse_config
script helps you to create an RTML plan with all available observing constraints, for a single target, defined in a configuration text file called config.ini
Create a config.ini
file, and save it in your work directory. Adjust the parameters according to your needs. Parameters that are left blank or omitted will be assigned with the default values:
; config.ini
PATH = ; path of the output plan file, default: current directory
FILENAME = ; output plan file name, default: current timestamp (YYYYMMDD_hhmmss.xml)
PI = New Observer ; PI's name, for contact, default: New Observer
EMAIL = observer@example.com ; PI's email, default: observer@example.com
ORGANIZATION = ; PI's organization, default: empty
DESCRIPTION = ; project description, default: empty
NAME = Project name ; project name, default: empty
USER = New Observer ; ACP Scheduler observer name, default: New Observer
BESTEFFORTS = 1 ; best efforts. 1 - execute plan as long as the constraints are met, 0 - execute only if the plan can be completed within the constraints. default: 1
NAME = Plan1 ; plan's name, default: empty
AIRMASS = ; maximal airmass limit (to be used with no minimal airmass limit), default: empty
AIRMASS_MIN = 1.02 ; minimal airmass limit, together with AIRMASS_MAX, default: empty
AIRMASS_MAX = 3 ; maximal airmass limit, together with AIRMASS_MIN, default: empty
HORIZON = ; min elevation (integer), default: empty
HOURANGLE_MIN = -4.6 ; eastern hour angle limit, together with HOURANGLE_MAX, deafult: empty
HOURANGLE_MAX = 4.6 ; western hour angle limit, together with HOURANGLE_MIN, deafult: empty
SKY_CONDITION = ; sky condition (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor), deafult: empty
MOON_DOWN = ; moon down (True/False), default: empty
MOON_DIST = ; moon distance. needs to be set together with MOON_WIDTH, default: empty
MOON_WIDTH = ; moon width. needs to be set together with MOON_DIST, default: empty
START_NOW = ; if True - start plan immediately. default: empty
EARLIEST = ; earliest observing date (format: 0001-01-01T00:00:00), default: empty
LATEST = ; latest observing date (format: 0001-01-01T00:00:00), default: empty
PRIORITY = ; plan priority
DESCRIPTION = ; plan description
NAME = Target1 ; observation name, default: empty
COUNT = 1 ; observation count (how many times to repeat), default: 1
INTERVAL = ; observation interval (between repeats) in hours. default: empty
TOLERANCE = ; observation interval's tolerance (between repeats) in hours. default: empty
AUTOFOCUS = ; perform autofocus before executing the observation, default: empty
DESCRIPTION = ; observation description, default: empty
RA = 50.123 ; target's RA, in deg, default: empty
DEC = +30.123 ; target's Dec, in deg, default: empty
POSITION_ANGLE = ; position angle, default: empty
COUNT = 1 ; imageset count (how many times to repeat), default: 1
AUTOSTACK = ; stack imageset automatically (True/False), default: empty
SOLVE = True ; astrometrically solve the images (True/False), default: True
DESCRIPTION = ; imageset description
EXPTIME = 300 ; imageset exposure time in seconds, default: 5. Use either EXPTIME or LIMITING_MAG. If both are included, use LIMITING_MAG.
LIMITING_MAG = ; imageset limiting magnitude, default: empty. Use either EXPTIME or LIMITING_MAG. If both are included, use LIMITING_MAG.
BINNING = 1 ; imageset binning, default: 1
FILTER = ExoP ; imageset filter, default: empty
DITHER = ; dither telescope between exposures (0 - no dither, -1 - auto), deafult: empty
In python, run:
from schedulertml import parse_config
Use the schedulertml.rtml
methods following the above conventions, to add more requests, targets, and pictures.
Assuming ACP Scheduler is installed on a remote Windows host, with ssh
connection available using Cygwin
, you can automatically upload and add the RTML plan you created to the ACP Scheduler database, using:
from schedulertml import rtml
This will upload to the RTML plan NewPlan.xml
and a VBScript import.vbs
to the remote host remote_user@remote_host
, to the remote Cygwin
directory /home/remote_user/
. It will then use the VBScript import.vbs
to import the new plan (now located at C:\cygwin64\home\remote_user\
) to the ACP Scheduler database.
NOTE: You should first exchange ssh
keys with the remote server, to allow an ssh
connection without password prompt. See here for details: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/07/rsync-over-ssh-without-password/