ElProxy is a docker container that will spin up an Echolink Proxy server for the Echolink Amateur Radio VOIP network.
If you are behind a network firewall where you are not able to forward the ports needed for Echolink to work (say like a work firewall or a hotel firewallO) the Echolink Proxy Server allows you to connect out of that network on one port versus the 2 or 3 needed. You can run the Proxy at home and get access to Echolink that way.
Echolink is designed and maintained by Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD. He also designed the proxy, I just spun it into a Docker Container to make deployment easier for me. Find out more about Echolink at https://www.echolink.org/.
In order to run this container you need to do the following:
Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
Create directory to hold the config file for the proxy
mkdir elproxy
Next dowload the ElProxy.conf file from /~https://github.com/n8acl/elproxy-docker/blob/master/ELProxy.conf and put it in this directory you just created.
Modify the password field to a password that you will remember.
Save the file.
Now we are ready to get it running in docker.
Copy the following into a docker-compose.yml file:
version: '3.2'
image: n8acl/elproxy:latest
container_name: elproxy
restart: unless-stopped
- '8200:8200'
- '5198:5198'
- '5199:5199'
- '5200:5200'
- /<path-to>/elproxy/ELProxy.conf:/usr/app/ELProxy.conf
Replace < tag > with the tag for your platform. Tags are:
- rpi: for running on a Raspberry Pi
- amd64: for running on a regular linux computer
Replace < path-to > with the full path to the config file you just created.
Save the file and then type:
docker-compose up -d
Check to make sure the container is running:
docker container ls --all
Now try to connect to your Echolink Proxy and the rest of the network.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me. You can reach me in one of the following ways:
- Discord: Ravendos
- Mastodon: @n8acl@mastodon.radio
- E-mail: n8acl@qsl.net
If you reach out to me and have an error, please include what error you are getting and what you were doing. I may also ask you to send me certain files to look at. Otherwise just reach out to me :).
03/18/2023 - Pushed MultiArch Container for amd64 and Raspberry Pi
03/29/2022 - Updated Contact Information on README.md
08/29/2020 - Initial Release