This is a simple application that leverages a Naive Bayesian Classifier to make gender predictions.
To use the application, first git clone
the repository to your local machine, and then cd to the application directory.
Once in the directory, install all the required gems and create your database:
$ bundle install; rake db:migrate;
To ensure all tests pass:
$ rake test
To verify all examples:
$ bundle exec rspec
Start the rails server:
$ rails s
If the database is not already seeded with training data, cd
to the application root directory and run:
$ rake training_data:import[data/training.json]
And navigate to http://localhost:3000
To add a new person to train the classifier, click Add New Person to Train Classifier.
Once at least ONE male and ONE female are added, gender prediction is unlocked. Click Get Gender Prediction to input height, weight values (as integers) and get an instant prediction.