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An ATmega328P blink driver written entirely in Assembler.
; ===================================================================
; Project: ATmega328P Blink Driver
; ===================================================================
; Author: Kevin Thomas
; E-Mail:
; Version: 1.0
; Date: 12/26/24
; Target Device: ATmega328P (Arduino Nano)
; Clock Frequency: 16 MHz
; Toolchain: AVR-AS, AVRDUDE
; License: Apache License 2.0
; Description: This program toggles the onboard LED connected to PB5
; (Pin 13) on the Arduino Nano at 1-second intervals
; using pure AVR Assembly. The delay is implemented
; using nested loops calibrated for a 16 MHz
; clock frequency.
; ===================================================================
; ===================================================================
; ===================================================================
.equ DDRB, 0x04 ; Data Direction Register for PORTB
.equ PORTB, 0x05 ; PORTB Data Register
.equ PB5, 5 ; Pin 5 of PORTB (D13 on Nano)
; ===================================================================
; ===================================================================
.global program ; global label; make avail external
.section .text ; start of the .text (code) section
; ===================================================================
; ===================================================================
; Description: Main program loop which executes all subroutines and
; then repeads indefinately.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instructions: AVR Instruction Set Manual
; 6.87 RCALL – Relative Call to Subroutine
; 6.90 RJMP – Relative Jump
; ===================================================================
rcall config_pins ; config pins
rcall led_on ; turn LED on
rcall delay_1s ; wait 1 second
rcall led_off ; turn LED off
rcall delay_1s ; wait 1 second
rjmp program_loop ; infinite loop
; ===================================================================
; SUBROUTINE: config_pins
; ===================================================================
; Description: Main configuration of pins on the ATmega128P Arduino
; Nano.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instructions: AVR Instruction Set Manual
; 6.95 SBI – Set Bit in I/O Register
; 6.88 RET – Return from Subroutine
; ===================================================================
sbi DDRB, PB5 ; set PB5 as output
ret ; return from subroutine
; ===================================================================
; SUBROUTINE: led_on
; ===================================================================
; Description: Sets PB5 high to turn on the LED.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instructions: AVR Instruction Set Manual
; 6.95 SBI – Set Bit in I/O Register
; 6.88 RET – Return from Subroutine
; ===================================================================
sbi PORTB, PB5 ; set PB5 high
ret ; return from subroutine
; ===================================================================
; SUBROUTINE: led_off
; ===================================================================
; Description: Clears PB5 to turn off the LED.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instructions: AVR Instruction Set Manual
; 6.33 CBI – Clear Bit in I/O Register
; 6.88 RET – Return from Subroutine
; ===================================================================
cbi PORTB, PB5 ; set PB5 low
ret ; return from subroutine
; ===================================================================
; SUBROUTINE: delay_1s
; ===================================================================
; Description: A one-second delay.
; - CPU Clock: 16 MHz
; - 1 clock cycle = 62.5 ns
; - total cycles for 1 second = 16,000,000
; - nested loops create approximate 1-second delay
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Instructions: AVR Instruction Set Manual
; 6.69 LDI – Load Immediate
; 6.81 NOP – No Operation
; 6.49 DEC – Decrement
; 6.23 BRNE – Branch if Not Equal
; 6.88 RET – Return from Subroutine
; ===================================================================
ldi r16, 250 ; outer loop counter
ldi r17, 250 ; middle loop counter
ldi r18, 64 ; inner loop counter
nop ; 1 cycle delay
dec r18 ; decrement inner loop counter
brne .inner_loop ; repeat if not zero else 2 cycles
dec r17 ; decrement middle loop counter
brne .middle_loop ; repeat if not zero
dec r16 ; decrement outer loop counter
brne .outer_loop ; repeat if not zero
ret ; return from subroutine