Chordbomb is a single-page web application, offering the ability to query a small database of songs and customize how the lyrics and chords are displayed.
Chordbomb is no longer maintained due to the deprecation of the Algolia InstantSearch package that it heavily relies on.
🚀 | New features & improvements |
🐛 | Bug fixes |
🔧 | Behind-the-scenes changes |
v1.2.0 - August 6th, 2024
- 🐛 Upgrade to Angular v12
- 🔧 Implement a production GitHub Action workflow
- 🔧 Update this README file
v1.1.0 - December 30th, 2022
- 🔧 Configure AWS S3 static web hosting and CodeBuild pipeline after move away from Firebase hosting service
- 🔧 Update release log & layout of this README file
v1.0.1 - June 15th, 2021
- 🐛 Fix site manifest bug
- 🐛 Revert instantsearch.js to 3.6.0 for better compatibility with other Algolia dependencies
- 🐛 Revert Ais-Search to automatically display all available songs before any query is made or filter added
v1.0.0 - June 13th, 2021
- 🚀 10 songs stored in Firebase's Firestore Database
- 🚀 Songs searchable using Algolia's Instant Search API, which mirrors data through a series of Firebase Cloud Functions; search features include full-text search-as-you-type functionality and typo recognition for 1 every 4 characters
- 🚀 Admin login for editing songs in-app, with components lazy-loaded for increased app performance
- 🚀 Settings in sidenav giving user ability to select text font size and chord mode while viewing a song
- 🚀 Fully-responsive design with a dropdown navigation on smaller viewports