Fork of DDoS Deflate with fixes, improvements and new features.
Original Author: Zaf (Copyright (C) 2005)
Maintainer: Jefferson González - /~
Maintainer 2: msergiy87
The main goal of this script - defense Hosting server.
The common problem is that ddos-deflate script ban address of search systems. We try to solve it.
- prevent block some predefined local and trusted network address
- prevent block some predefined search systems address
- prevent block some connections to FTP (server address) with some ports
- create separate iptables chain for ddos-deflate
- prevent block some address from files joomla_admins.conf and search_system_ip.conf in which address add automatically by another scripts
Currently, this is only tested on Debian 7.9. It should theoretically work on older versions of Ubuntu or Debian based systems.
apt-get install dsniff
2) Install ddos-deflate from this repository /~
As root user execute the following commands:
cd /usr/src
wget /~
cd ddos-deflate-master
cd /tmp
wget /~
cd ddos-deflate-custom-master
mkdir /root/scripts
mv root_scripts/* /root/scripts/
cp /usr/local/ddos/ /usr/local/ddos/ddos.sh_backup
cp /usr/local/ddos/
As root user execute the following commands:
cd ddos-deflate-master
Data in the files exclude_variables.conf or joomla_admins.conf or search_system_ip.conf is like example. You should change it.
1) Download variables from the file exclude_variables.conf (single point of reading for multiple applications) to exclude from the analysis and blocking:
- certain internal network address (TRUST_NET, considered safe).
- some problematic users address (SOME_PROBLEM_USERS).
- networks search engines (Search systems) - GOOGLE YANDEX MAILRU META YAHOO
- server address and FTP ports
EXCLUDE - defines the list of all address and templates that should be excluded from the analysis.
- exclude analysis address from files joomla admin.conf (JOOMLA ADM) and search_system_ip.conf (SEARCH_SYS_IP). Other scripts write address of Joomla admins and address search engines that found other scripts (whois command and its analize) and recorded in the files.
- exclude analysis of specific ports FTP, which work is set Pure-FTPd (PUREFTP) 60000-62999
- exclude all contained in EXCLUDE
- Can't help against SYN-flood attack, but can inform. If it happens - sent many letters
- Maybe block some search boot ip address
- Can block real users behind NAT if they together exceeded limit of connections
- Can't help against complex distributed attack from many ip adresses