Affinity Photo, Designer, and Publisher applications packaged with nix.
Based on /~ and, and uses ElementalWarrior's wine.
Add garnix as a substituter to avoid compling yourself.
The prefix is located in $XDG_DATA_HOME/affinity/
falling back to $HOME/.local/share/affinity/
You will be prompted to provide affinity's installation exe on the first-time run, just follow the error's instructions to add the exe to your nix store and run again.
You will be graphically prompted to install the application: Leave the installation path default.
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#photo
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#designer
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#publisher
$ nix profile install github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#photo
$ nix profile install github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#designer
$ nix profile install github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#publisher
Install on NixOS
The following is an example. Installing this package does not differ to installing a package from any other flake.
inputs = {
affinity-nix.url = "github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix";
# ...
outputs = inputs @ {
}: { = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [
# ...
environment.systemPackages = [];
Install with Home Manager
The following is an example. Installing this package does not differ to installing a package from any other flake.
inputs = {
affinity-nix.url = "github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix";
# ...
outputs = inputs @ {
}: { = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages."x86_64-linux";
extraSpecialArgs = {inherit inputs;};
modules = [
# ...
home.packages = [];
These will graphically prompt you to update the affinity application.
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#updatePhoto
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#updateDesigner
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#updatePublisher
You can access winetricks, wine, and wineboot with the affinity environment & wine prefix baked in with nix run.
Armed with these you should be able to follow for troubleshooting steps.
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#winetricks
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#wine
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#wine -- winecfg
$ nix run github:mrshmllow/affinity-nix#wineboot
You got an error such as:
error: builder for '/nix/store/wnh96wlyi5f6ywr628mjfdpvsl8w03m0-affinity-designer-msi-2.5.7.exe.drv' failed with exit code 1;
last 11 log lines:
> ***
> Unfortunately, we cannot download file affinity-designer-msi-2.5.7.exe automatically.
> Please go to to download it yourself, and add it to the Nix store
> using either
> nix-store --add-fixed sha256 affinity-designer-msi-2.5.7.exe
> or
> nix-prefetch-url --type sha256 file:///path/to/affinity-designer-msi-2.5.7.exe
> ***
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/wnh96wlyi5f6ywr628mjfdpvsl8w03m0-affinity-designer-msi-2.5.7.exe.drv'.
You must follow the instructions
Download the exe from the url in the error, and run the example command to add it to the store.
Double check which tool you are running. You likely added the exe for Photo
but you are running Designer
/ Publisher
. You must add the installation exe for every tool you want to run.