a simple way to serialize / deserialize your classes by using decorators (custom attributes)
To request features or report a bug, open a github issue with details/steps to reproduce
Below is a sample pulled from the console tester application which shows a possible use for ezjson
{ TTestDecorated }
a simple object decorated with a custom name to be used when serializing and
deserializing, as well as some simple typed properties to include in
TTestDecorated = class(TObject)
FTest : String;
FTestInt : Integer;
property Test : String read FTest write FTest;
property TestInt : Integer read FTestInt write FTestInt;
procedure TestSimple;
LTest : TTestDecorated;
LError : String;
//setting a value on our test
LTest := TTestDecorated.Create;
LTest.Test := 'a test';
//calling serialize
if not (EZSerialize<TTestDecorated>(LTest, LJSON, LError)) then
raise Exception.Create(LError) //failed to serialize
WriteLn(LJSON); //success
and here's the output json
{ "myTestObject" : { "test" : "a value", "testInteger" : 0 } }
- make sure your decorated properties are in the published section
- object / interface properties can be decorated as long as they also have property decorators
- JsonObject is not required (if not supplied will determine name from class) but JsonProperty is
- works as "opt-in" so non-decorated properties will not be serialized without
- download and install lazarus if you don't already have it (http://www.lazarus-ide.org) or by using the super simple fpcupdeluxe (/~https://github.com/LongDirtyAnimAlf/fpcupdeluxe/releases)
- git clone this repo
- open ezjson_test.lpr and attempt to compile/run (F9 Key)
- this project shows some basic usage of the library
- also, by going to
Toolbar -> Project\Project Options\Paths
you can copy theother units
text to include in your own project
- add
path to your projectother units
- also to note, this project requires that you use the latest trunk fpc / lazarus (another reason to use fpcupdeluxe :) )
Tip Jar
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