A simple calculator that uses call-arguments and a upn/rpn-backbone-system to calculate even more complex equations.
--> Info: This project was an interesting school-exercise (a simple rpn calculator) which I really liked and I'm now trying to convert a fully funktional not rpn-calculator ;)
Added Features:
Rpn version with all files in one place (will be converted into full calculator when the time comes) what is rpn?
Makefile for the program
In Future:
- A full calculator with brackets, "Punkt vor Strich"(German), addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, exponentiation, floor division;
To compile this program I'd recommend to use a linux distro with gcc, but you can also use MinGW for windows or an IDE like Vim/Emacs or VCS for Windows and MacOS. The rules to compile the different Test-programs are in the makefile.
This project is open source and licensed under the MIT License.