A library for programming C projects for TI-83+ series calculators using SDCC. This library is under active development and everything is subject to change without warning.
The source code for c_ti83p is hosted on Github. To compile it you need SDCC.
To download and compile, open a terminal window and navigate to the directory you want to download it to. Then execute the following:
git clone /~https://github.com/mortonsc/c_ti83p.git
cd c_ti83p && make
SDCC is available on Windows, so it is possible to compile c_ti83p, but there is currently no official compile script.
In order for a program to use c_ti83p, it must #include c_ti83p.h
, and be linked against tios_crt0.rel
and c_ti83p.lib
. tios_crt0.rel
must be listed before any other file.
For example, if you wanted to compile a program containing one source file, main.c
and have c_ti83p in a directory called lib
, you would use the following command:
sdcc -mz80 --std-sdcc99 --reserve-regs-iy --max-allocs-per-node 30000 --code-loc 0x9D9B --data-loc 0 \
--no-std-crt0 lib/tios_crt0.rel lib/c_ti83p.lib main.c
This will produce main.ihx
as output, which can then be converted to a binary file using sdobjcopy, which comes with
SDCC, and then converted to a calculator executable using a tool like
Because the compilation process is so involved, I strongly recommend automating it. An example of a project using c_ti83p can be found here; you can use its makefile as a model.
The crt0 is necessary for a compiled program to run on the calculator.
All the other functions and data included with c_ti83p are listed in the c_ti83p.h
header. The offerings include:
- defines for non-ASCII text characters and keycodes
- functions to print text in large and small font
- access to system variables, including pointers to the graph buffer and to the large areas of free RAM
- functions to read, write and create picture variables, appvars, and programs
- graphics routines from Ion shell
This library is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3; see the license for details. There is one special exception to the license terms: if you link this library in unmodified form with other files to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
All code that I wrote is copyright (C) Scott Morton 2016. All other content is copyright (C) its original owner. Original authors of code are named when they could be identified.
I can be contacted through email; my address is visible on my Github profile. This library is very much a work in progress, so feel free to send me requests for new functionality. Bug reports should include enough information to replicate the error.