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Docker container for Apache Knox that builds a given branch, installs and runs it.


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Knox Dev Docker Container


A docker container that can build, install and run Apache Knox from a configured git repository and branch. By default, branch v.2.2.0 is built and installed, variables knoxurl and branch defined in docker-compose.yml file can be used to choose a different repository and branch to build. A demo ldap server is also started, used by Apache Knox for authentication.

This is useful for testing Apache Knox topologies and for developing service definitions used for introducing UI and REST API proxying capabilities.

Quick Start

Starting Knox dev container:

  • docker-compose up -d
  • If you need to build using a specific repo and branch you can add the following environment variables to your shell environment (i.e. export knoxurl=/~
    • knoxurl
    • branch

To access Admin UI:

Instructions for Knox Zeppelin demo:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-zeppelin.yml up -d
  • Go to https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/zeppelin/

Table of Contents


  • docker-compose version 3 required.
  • To understand UI Proxying with Knox please refer to this excellent guide - Proxying UI using Knox
  • For more information and explanation on Knox please refer to the Dev guide
  • By default branch v.1.1.0 is used.

Build Knox dev container

Build a Knox dev container using docker-compose. we can use this as a base image to build on.

  • Checkout this repository git clone /~
  • cd knox-dev-docker
  • Check your docker compose file i.e. either docker-compose.yml or docker-compose-zeppelin.yml and update the branch variable to the branch you want to build.
  • docker-compose up -d This builds the Knox dev container if not already present by checking out code from the provided git repo (in docker-compose.yml). Starts a docker container with
    • Test ldap container and
    • Knox gateway container
  • docker ps should show your gateway and ldap containers running.
  • run docker-compose stop to stop the containers.
  • To stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images run docker-compose down.


This section talks about common configuration settings used by Knox dev container and how they can be changed.

  • Knox gateway listening on port 8443, to change it, modify the ports: setting in docker-compose.yml, note the format is HOST-PORT:CONTAINER-PORT.
  • Following is the folder mapping:
    • ./topologies folder will be mapped to /knox/knox-0.10.0-SNAPSHOT/conf/topologies folder in the container.
    • /zeppelinui folder will be mapped to /knox/knox-0.10.0-SNAPSHOT/data/services/zeppelinui folder in the container.
    • /zeppelinws folder will be mapped to /knox/knox-0.10.0-SNAPSHOT/data/services/zeppelinws folder in the container.
  • To add and remove mappings use the volumes: settings in docker-compose.yml.
  • Change the git command in docker-compose.yml to build from a specific release.

Adding new services

Here we describe how a new service can be added. We will need the containers to be stopped in order for the new service to be added this is because we will be adding new mappings to our existing containers (e.g. volumes and/or ports).

  • Please refer to Proxying UI using Knox to understand the basic concepts, especially how to add services (rewrite.xml, service.xml) and how to update the topology file.

  • We will try to add a new service to Knox, let's take an example of adding a Weather service as described here - Adding a service to Apache Knox. Make sure you get the App Id from (if using this example).

  • Under the knox-dev-docker folder (where this repository is checked out) add the service definition files needed by your service e.g.

    • weather/0.0.1/service.xml - The service.xml file defines the high level URL patterns that will be exposed by the gateway for a service.
    • weather/0.0.1/rewrite.xml - The rewrite.xml is configuration that drives the rewrite provider within Knox.
  • Now go to topologies/sandbox.xml file on your machine and add the following service definition `

WEATHER ` * Add the following line to the `volumes:` section in `docker-compose.yml` file ` - ./weather:/knox/knox-0.10.0-SNAPSHOT/data/services/weather ` * Start the docker containers `docker-compose up -d` * curl -ku guest:guest-password 'https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/weather/data/2.5/forecast/city?id=524901&APPID=' * You should see the output like: ` {"city":{"id":524901,"name":"Moscow","coord":{"lon":37.615555,"lat":55.75222},"country":"RU","population":0,"sys":{"population":0}},"cod":"200","message":0.172,"cnt":40,"list":[{"dt":1475798400,"main":{"temp":282.64,"temp_min":282.64,"temp_max":282.644,"pressure":1014.9,"sea_level":1035.01,"grnd_level":1014.9,"humidity":94,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10n"}],"clouds":{"all":92},"wind":{"speed":3.71,"deg":84.5015},"rain":{"3h":0.8325},"sys":{"pod":"n"},"dt_txt":"2016-10-07 00:00:00"},{"dt":1475809200,"main":{"temp":282.3,"temp_min":282.296,"temp_max":282.3,"pressure":1013.21,"sea_level":1033.38,"grnd_level":1013.21,"humidity":97,"temp_kf":0},"weather":[{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10n"}],"clouds":{"all":92} ... `

Adding service to Knox build

Demo: Knox dev container + Zeppelin

An example of Knox proxying Zeppelin UI and websocket connections. This example is already configured and runs out of the box.

This example demos how Knox can proxy Zeppelin UI and proxy underlying Websocket connections using the necessary service files and service definitions.

You can change the git command in docker-compose-zeppelin.yml to build from a specific release if you choose. Also refer to the docker-compose-zeppelin.yml file for more settings if you want more control on the docker instances.

Instructions to run Knox Zeppelin demo:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-zeppelin.yml up -d
  • Go to https://localhost:8443/gateway/sandbox/zeppelin/


  • In case you get error such as cannot stat /knox/knox-0.11.0-SNAPSHOT while building the knox-dev image go to your docker compose file i.e. either docker-compose.yml or docker-compose-zeppelin.yml and update the knoxversion property to the current version that Knox master is using. Please let me know or submit a PR if possible.


Docker container for Apache Knox that builds a given branch, installs and runs it.








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