Moonlight PC v0.10.1
Download links:
- Windows Installer 64-bit (for most Windows PCs)
- Windows Portable 64-bit (for work/public PCs without the ability to install new programs)
- Windows Installer 32-bit
- Windows Portable 32-bit
- macOS
- Snap (for Ubuntu-based Linux distros) - Read the Known Issues section below
- Flatpak (for other Linux distros)
- Steam Link device - See this thread for more information
To update an existing installation, simply run the latest installer (for Windows) or replace the old app in your Applications folder (for Mac). For the portable Windows version, extract the latest version on top of your old folder.
To install on Steam Link hardware, extract the ZIP file to the root of a FAT32 flash drive, insert it into your Steam Link, then restart the Steam Link. Moonlight can run alongside official Steam Link streaming and other Steam Link apps.
Keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Q - Quit session
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Z - Toggle mouse capture
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+X - Toggle windowed/full-screen
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S - Toggle performance stats overlay
Gamepad shortcuts:
Start+Select+L1+R1 - Quit session
Start - Open settings UI (when not streaming)
New features:
- Performance optimizations (especially significant on Steam Link)
- VAAPI hardware decoding support on Wayland (Linux)
- Fixed a crash when attempting to dismiss the connection terminated dialog
- Fixed a crash when using the overlay on the software decoder
- Fixed software decoder not displaying output in some cases
- Fixed unexpectedly writing qmlcache files again after Qt 5.12 update
- Fixed some minor UI issues on the PC grid
- Fixed generating scroll events on macOS when scrolling slowly
- Fixed OpenGL error at startup on some PCs introduced in v0.10.0
- Improved visibility of toolbar highlights
- Updated to SDL 2.0.9 on Mac
- Updated to Qt 5.12.3 on Windows and Mac builds
Known Issues:
- Location Services on macOS may cause periodic lag and stuttering on Wi-Fi due to background network scans. To avoid the issue, disable Location Services on your Mac by going to "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Location Services"
- If you use the Snap package, you may need to run
snap install core
for Moonlight to launch successfully. See this issue for details.