Add logic for the web site components in pure JavaScript in classic style according to the technical task from the course "Practical JavaScript (Advanced)" on Udemy platform.
Technical task:
GitHup Page:
New browsers — Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and IE 11, newer versions of Android/iOS, etc.
- SASS/SCSS (SCSS modules, CSS Animation, CSS Flexbox)
- Using modules for features
- Opening modal windows when clicking on modal triggers
- Opening modal windows after a set time
- Opening modal windows on scrolling to the end of landing page
- Сlosing modal windows by pressing close button and modal backdrop
- Destroing modal tirger on open modal window
- Vertical and horisontal sliders
- Auto switching slides
- Using PHP server
- Using Fatch API to post form data to the server
- Informing еру user about the progress of posting form data to the server
- Using mask for input with phone nomber
- Text validation for text inputs (only allow cyrillic characters and numbers)
- Getting data from server using Fetch API for uploading more styles in styles section
- Filtration portfolio works
- Replace images on mouseover event in sizes section
- Toggle accordions in Often questions section
- Showing burger menu on tablet screens and bellow, and hide it when resizing if the screen is less than 992px
- Drag-and-Drop picture uploading in forms
- Animate.css
- Bootstrap
- Git
- Npm
- Node.js
- Gulp
- Webpack
- Chrome DevTools
- VS Code
Before using, make sure that Gulp and Node.js are installed on your computer
To build the site on your PC, run the following commands in the terminal:
- Clone the repository on your computer
git clone /~
- Go to the project folder
cd art
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the build project
- In the browser tab go to http://localhost:4000