PGinator is a PostgreSQL database client designed as a full-stack portfolio project. It allows DB admins to interact with a PostgreSQL database through a web interface and allows CRUD operations on datbase tables and their data.
-based frontend written inTypeScript
and usingVite
backend to handleRESTful API
requests and connect to thePostgreSQL
database- Developed with separate
containers for the frontend, backend, and database - Application testing with
,Testing Library
andMock Service Worker
- Clone the repository:
git clone /~
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd pginator
- (Optional) Edit any necessary configuration settings, such as database credentials or application ports.
- Run the Makefile to set up the project (once available).
- Start the application with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up
- Go to
in a browser to interact with your PostgreSQL database.
Once the application is up and running, you can use the web interface to:
- View a list of all tables in the connected PostgreSQL database
- Create, edit, and delete tables
- Click on a table to view its rows
- Perform CRUD operations on rows within a table
This project is intended to serve as a portfolio piece to demonstrate technical abilities and skills. Because of that, it offers a limited subset of PostreSQL functionality.