A SEAMM plug-in which provides loops in flowcharts.
This plug-in provides looping control structures for flowcharts, like a for loop in a programming language.
- Free software: BSD license
- Documentation: https://molssi-seamm.github.io/loop_step/index.html
- Code: /~https://github.com/molssi-seamm/loop_step
- Simple for i = # to # by # loops
- Foreach loop over elements in a list
- For row loop over rows in a table (see the table plug-in)
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the molssi-seamm/cookiecutter-seamm-plugin project template.
Developed by the Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI), which receives funding from the National Science Foundation under award OAC-1547580 and CHE-2136142.