Carbon Sublime (or Carbon via Package Control) is a Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Carbon.
Install Carbon via Package Control.
You can use the command Carbon: share selection
from the command palette (ctrl/cmd + shift + p) to open Carbon.
This package doesn't provide a default keymap. If you need to, add a keymap setting like the following to your Sublime keymap file:
{"keys": ["f3"], "command": "carbon_sublime"}
Then go into your file, select a region, and press the bound key.
You can open the configuration file via the menu:
Preferences > Package Settings > carbonSublime > Settings. It defaults to:
"background-color": "rgba(12, 108, 189, 1)",
"theme": "seti",
"font-family": "Hack",
"drop-shadow": "true",
"window-controls": "true",
"width-adjustment": "true",
"padding-vertical": "48px",
"padding-horizontal": "32px",
"line-numbers": "true",
"language_mapping": {},
"trim_indent": true
: (dict
) An extra setting which maps syntaxes to Carbon languages. The default (fallback) setting is written asLANGUAGE_MAPPING
: (bool
) If set to true, indents are trimmed when a selection is made.