- Linux Client is entirely written using combination of bash and python which directly interacts with Django mainserver
- The Linux Client needs to use a fully developed command tool "spc", supporting man pages, version-control, etc., to interact with the cloud
- For Uploading files via linux client, one needs to first observe the file and then sync them with the database
- The files available on the cloud are displayed using tree structure
- The Web-Client is entirely written using HTML,DTL and javascript
- The Web-Client contains a login page, a sign-up page and a profile page
- Files Uploaded on the Cloud can be viewed as well as downloaded using web-client
- Server is written entirely using Django Library
- It stores all the data in mySQL database in encrypted format
- Django project consists of 2 applications viz. mainserver, webcleint
- Main Server only handles all the POST requests made by linux client or during form submission and responds with a HTTPResponse
- Web-Client is just an extension of Main Server as it internally calls methods of Main Server, the only difference being it returns HTML response
- Execute- sudo bash install.sh [[directory where you wish to install it]]
- sudo is required for the installation of man