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Nursery System REST API

Project Description

  • The Nursery System REST API is a backend API built with Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Multer, Bcrypt, and JWT. This API provides a secure and scalable solution for managing a nursery system.

  • It uses Mongoose for object modeling, allowing easy integration with other databases.

  • Avatars of teachers can be uploaded using Multer, and stored in MongoDB.


To get started with the Nursery System REST API, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine. git clone <Repo Link>
  2. Install the required dependencies by running npm install.
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and set the following environment variables:
    port = 8081
    DatabaseUrl = <your_database_uri>
    secretKey = <your_database_uri>
  4. Start the server by running
    npm start


Child Endpoints

  • GET /child: Retrieve a list of all children.
  • GET /child/:id: Retrieve a specific child record by ID.
  • GET /child/:id/class: Retrieve the class of a specific child by its ID.
  • POST /child: Create a new child record.
  • PATCH /child/:id: Update a specific child record by ID.
  • DELETE /child/:id: Delete a specific child record by ID.

Class Endpoints

  • GET /class: Retrieve a list of all classes.
  • GET /class/:id: Retrieve a specific class record by ID.
  • GET /class/:id/teacher: Retrieve the supervisor of a specific class by its ID.
  • GET /class/:id/child: Retrieve a list of all children in a specific class by its ID.
  • POST /class: Create a new class record.
  • PATCH /class/:id: a specific class record by ID.
  • DELETE /class/:id: Delete a specific class by ID.

Teacher Endpoints

  • GET /teacher: Retrieve a list of all teachers.
  • GET /teacher/:id: Retrieve a specific teacher record by ID.
  • GET /teacher/supervisors: Retrieve a list of all teachers that are supervisors.
  • PATCH /teacher/:id: Update a specific teacher by ID.
  • DELETE /teacher/:id: Delete a specific teacher by ID.

Register Endpoint

  • POST /register: Register a new teacher in the system.

Login Endpoint

  • POST /login: Login a teacher and receive an access token.

Note: All endpoints except for POST /register and POST /login require an access token in the Authorization header. The token can be obtained by logging in a teacher via the /login endpoint.

Authentication and Authorization

  • JSON Web Token (JWT) is used for authentication. Teachers can register, login, and receive an access token to access the protected endpoints.
  • All endpoints have a validation middleware using Express-validator.
  • Passwords are encrypted with bcrypt.
  • The admin account has full access to all endpoints and other teachers can only see the data of its own and the class it supervises.


This nursery system REST provides a robust set of endpoints for managing information about children, classes, and teachers. The includes authentication and authorization features to ensure that only authorized users can access specific endpoints. It's a great starting point for building a more extensive nursery management system.