Official Implementation of our CEnt paper.
Introducing CEnt - a powerful and innovative entropy-based method for interpreting machine learning models and understanding the decision-making process behind them. CEnt provides actionable alternatives for individuals facing an unfavorable outcome by generating feasible feature tweaks that can alter the model's decision. Our approach takes into account immutability and semi-immutability constraints, employs local sampling on manifold-like distances computed by VAEs, and generates counterfactuals that achieve better proximity rates without compromising latency, feasibility, and attainability. It is a powerful tool for understanding and improving decision-making systems, can even be used to detect vulnerabilities in textual classifiers and shows high potential for image classifiers.
based on CARLA Framework
Getting the Source Code
git clone
cd CEnt/
Install the dependencies:
Or, if you prefer to using conda:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Prepare the resource method and black box models for tabular data:
from cent.method import CEnt
from cent.data_specific import DataModels
# Select from ['adult','compas', 'give_me_some_credit', 'heloc']
data_name = 'adult'
# Prepare the black box models and data_splits
OUT_DIR_DATA = 'outputs/tmp/'
if not os.path.exists(OUT_DIR_DATA):
data_models = DataModels(data_name = data_name,
out_dir = OUT_DIR_DATA)
# data_models now contains parmeters for the data (data_models.trainData) and the models (data_models.models_zoo)
# Let's get the tensorflow ann model
mlmodel = data_models.models_zoo['ann']['tensorflow']
# Set the hyperparameters for our CEnt method
hpr = {"data_name":"adult",
"myvae_params": {
'input_dim': len(mlmodel.feature_input_order),
"tree_params": {
"min_entries_per_label": 500,
"max_search" : 50,
"grid_search": {"cv": 1,"splitter": ["best"],"criterion": ["gini"],"max_depth": [3,4,5,6,7],
"min_samples_split": [1.0,2,3],"min_samples_leaf": [1,2,3],
"max_features": ['sqrt',1.0, 'log2',0.8],
# Initialize the CEnt method
cent_method = CEnt(ddata_models.trainData, mlmodel, hpr, data_catalog= data_models.new_catalog_n)
Start a counterfactual search:
# Get a radnom factual
factual = {'age': 0.164, 'fnlwgt': 0.077,
'education-num': 0.533, 'capital-gain': 0.0,
'capital-loss': 0.0, 'hours-per-week': 0.347,
'income': 0, 'marital-status_Non-Married': 1.0,
'native-country_US': 1.0, 'occupation_Other': 1.0,
'race_White': 1.0, 'relationship_Non-Husband': 1.0,
'sex_Male': 0.0, 'workclass_Private': 1.0}
# Get its counterfactual (~0.02 seconds)
ff = pd.DataFrame(ff, index=[0])
contrast = cent_method.get_counterfactuals(ff)
age fnlwgt education-num capital-gain capital-loss ... occupation_Other relationship_Non-Husband race_White sex_Male native-country_US
0 0.164384 0.076916 0.764858 0.071366 0.0 ... 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0
1 rows × 13 columns
For more explanation for the results:
To flip the binary class from 0 to 1, we moved our factual to a point satisfying the following conditions:
education-num need to be > than 0.7666666805744171
marital-status_Non-Married need to be flipped to False
capital-gain need to be > than 0.0748707503080368
CEnt improvement in proximity, latency, and attainability with no constraint violation compared to previous methods
CEnt also was also able to achieve great and very potential results in the image applications as seen in the case of mnits.
CEnt was able to better understand the image and trace the pixels to flip the class instead of going to a whole new drawing as in CEM.
CEnt was also tested on text data and was able to flip the predictions. CEnt can then serve as a debugging tool that highlights vulnerabilities in the context of adversarial attacks.
For each dataset the following will be created:
$tree outputs/
└── adult
├── bench_csvs
│ ├── cent_tensorflow_ann_bench.csv
│ ├── cent_tensorflow_ann_counterfactuals.csv
│ ├── cent_tensorflow_ann_DTScores.csv
│ ├── cent_tensorflow_ann_factuals.csv
│ ├── dice_tensorflow_ann_bench.csv
│ ├── dice_tensorflow_ann_counterfactuals.csv
│ ├── dice_tensorflow_ann_factuals.csv
│ ├── growing_spheres_tensorflow_linear_bench.csv
│ ├── growing_spheres_tensorflow_linear_counterfactuals.csv
│ └── growing_spheres_tensorflow_linear_factuals.csv
│ └── .
│ └── .
│ └── .
├── benchmark_results.csv
├── checks.csv
├── loss_plot.png
├── loss_plot_steps.png
├── models_logs.txt
└── model_zoo_metrics.csv
└── compas
: contains the metrics of the black-box models used in the experiments (common between resource for each dataset).models_logs.txt
: contains the logs of the black-box models used trainings.benchmark_results.csv
: contains the dataframe of the results of the experiments per dataset using the 9 implemented metrics.checks.csv
: contains info of what resource failed or ran successfully.loss_plot.png
: plot of the loss of vae benchmark per step.loss_plot_steps.png
: plot of the loss per epochbench_csvs
: contains the csv files results per recourse per model type e.g. for datasetadult
, resourcecent
, model typeann
there will be {factuals:cent_tensorflow_ann_bench.csv
}, {counterfactuals:cent_tensorflow_ann_counterfactuals.csv
}, and {benchmarks:cent_tensorflow_ann_bench.csv
} csv files.
If you have any questions related to the paper or the theoretical background, please contact the authors via email: Julia El Zini ( or Mohamad Mansour (
If you have any questions related to the code, please open an issue on the github repository.
Please cite our paper if you use this code in your own work:
author = {Zini, Julia El and Mansour, Mohammad and Awad, Mariette},
title = {CEnt: An Entropy-based Model-agnostic Explainability Framework to Contrast Classifiers' Decisions},
publisher = {arXiv},
year = {2023},
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2301.07941},
url = {}