This repository shows a detail example of using shape fitting by deepregression (called shapenet) for landmark detection. The original method and source repository is: /~ and please consider that first.
This code is used for the following research. If you found it usefull, please cite the following document:
@article{eslami2020automatic, title={Automatic vocal tract landmark localization from midsagittal MRI data}, author={Eslami, Mohammad and Neuschaefer-Rube, Christiane and Serrurier, Antoine}, journal={Scientific Reports}, volume={10}, number={1}, pages={1--13}, year={2020}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group} }
Following repositories are also used for the mentioned paper:
make sure python version is 3.6 ,
i.e. have a conda environment with python 3.6 -
install pytorch suitable version
install delira this version
pip install delira[torch]==0.3.1 -
install shapenet:
/~ -
download your kaggle.json from kaggle site and put in in C:\Users\User.kaggle.
Generally you should get this file first from our homepage -> Your Account -> Create New API token.
This will download a ready-to-go JSON file to place in you [user-home]/.kaggle folder.
If there is no .kaggle folder yet, please create it first.
1- first prepare data from a zip file:
python ./scripts/ --helen --hzip ./ --ddir ./prepared_helen
2-correct the config file and locate it
set pca path, data path, epochs, saving model path and etc.
3- train it by
passing the config file as argument
python ./scripts/ --config ./helen.config --verbose
4- predict
pas the input path, output path, weight file and config file locations as arguments:
python ./scripts/ --in_path ./prepared_helen/helen/testset --out_path ./output_predict/ --weight_file ./Trained_Model/checkpoint_best.pth --config_file ./helen.config --visualize
Output of our experiment: (it was just 5 epochs which was trained on a few images)
This an exemplary code to create a zip file called from your own dataset and landmarks which suitable format for training/predicting by above mentioned procedure.
It is supposed our image files (.png) and landmark files (.csv) are in [path_train_data '\temp_train_png'] and [ path_train_data '\temp_train_lm'] folders with the same name correspondigly. My n_points was 23.
path_train_png=[path_train_data '\temp_train_png\'];
path_train_lm=[ path_train_data '\temp_train_lm\'];
Path_write_train=[path_train_data '\helen\trainset\'];
Path_write_test=[path_train_data '\helen\testset\'];
for SampleCounter=1:Num_samples
ImageFileName= DirPngs(SampleCounter).name;
LMs=csvread([path_train_lm ImageFileName(1:end-4) '.csv']);
if isempty(find(SampleCounter==Ind_val))
fileID = fopen([Path_write_train '\' FileName 'pts'],'w');
copyfile([path_train_png ImageFileName],[Path_write_train ImageFileName]);
fileID = fopen([Path_write_test '\' FileName 'pts'],'w');
copyfile([path_train_png ImageFileName],[Path_write_test ImageFileName]);
fprintf(fileID, "version: 1 \n");
fprintf(fileID, "n_points: 23 \n");
fprintf(fileID, "{ \n");
for lm_counter=1:length(LMs)
fprintf(fileID, "%d %d \n",LMs(lm_counter,1),LMs(lm_counter,2));
fprintf(fileID, "} \n");
zippedfiles = zip([path_train_data 'Fold_' num2str(FoldCounter) '\'] ,[path_train_data 'Fold_' num2str(FoldCounter) '\helen\']);
status = rmdir([path_train_data 'Fold_' num2str(FoldCounter) '\helen\'], 's');