a tiny FUNCITONAL LANGUAGE implemented by javascript.
online demo: https://moevis.github.io/lambda-lite-js/ (中文版)
- Lambda function (including sugar for declearing multi-parameters function)
- currying, lazy evaluation, recursive in anonymous function (z combinator)
- Basic pattern matching
- Point-free style: compose function together with
- Basic type system: bool, number, list, function and string.
Using backsplash and arrow to declear an anyoumous function. Lambda function only accept one parameter, but you can use some magic method to break this limit.
\n -> n + 1;
\n -> n * n;
\n -> n + n * n;
Creating function which accepts two parameters.
(\n -> \m -> m + n) 1 2 --- output: 3
Now, declear a function with single-param or multi-params can be write as below:
let add x y = x + y
let result = add 1 2
Pattern matching is an useful feature in some functional language. The ll language has a basic pattern matching implements.
let func a@1 = a + 1;
let func a@2 = a + 2;
print (func 2);
let echo a@Number = print 'Number';
let echo a@String = print 'String';
let echo a@* = print 'Other';
echo 'this is string';
echo true;
Pattern matching has some limits in ll.js .
- The all parameters should be in the same order.
- The lengths of the functions which have same name also should be equal.
- Every parameter should have a pattern declearation like
, or*
for other types. - Matching progress is from top to bottom, from left to right.
The keyword let
leads an assignment, in forms of let ... = ... (-> ...)
. The symbol ->
is options, only if you want return a value.
let x = 5;
let y = \n -> n + 1;
let z = let a = 3 -> a * a;
The binary condition is in form of if ... then ... else ...
print (if true then 1 else 0)
now some native functions are accessiable. As well as the basic calculation operators: +-*/
print "hello";
print (length [1,2,3,4]);
print (reverse [1,2,3,4]);
print [1,2,3,4] !! 2;
print (not true);
Recursive programming is an elegant programming style.
let fact = \n ->
if n == 1 then 1
else n * (fact n - 1);
print (fact 5);
Lambda function can recursive by using z-combinator instead of calling itself.
let z = \f->(\x -> f (\y -> x x y)) (\x -> f (\y -> x x y));
let makeFact = \g -> \n -> if n < 2
then 1
else n * (g n - 1);
let fact = z makeFact;
print (fact 5);
Use .
and $
to pretifier your code, less brackets
now !!!
Beblow is a sample for calculating (10 + 10) ^ 2
let double = \n -> n + n;
let square = \n -> n * n;
print $ double $ square 10;
let func = double . square;
print $ func 10;
let True x y = x;
let False x y = y;
let Zero f x = x;
let One f x = f x;
let Two f x = f (f x);
let Three f x = f (f (f x));
let Add a b f x = a f (b f x);
let Mul a b f x = a (b f) x;
print $ Two (\n -> n + 1) 0;
print $ Add One Two (\n -> n + 1) 0;
print $ Mul Two Three (\n -> n + 1) 0;