Checkout the bootstrap repo and run the appropriate cluster shellscript. Repo: /~
- Log into cluster
- Checkout this repo
- Locally go to the openshift-gitops/base/operator
- kustomize build . | oc apply -f -
- Locally go to the openshift-gitops/overlay you wish to apply
- oc wait install-plan; kustomize build . | oc apply -f -
This will install the operator subscription, wait for it to finish installing, then install the gitops configuration which will then install the rest of the applications.
Sync waves allow for manifests to be defined as happening in certain orders. Pre/Post Hooks, or just ordered waves during deployment. For more information see:
As used in the openshift-gitops config in this repostiory, application sets act as meta config allowing Application definitions to be generated from git repositories in a standardized fashion. This reduces the need to hand roll large amounts of configuration when theres a standard directory structure/overlay structure in place.
In this repository examples of application sets using kustomize overlays can be found:
- openshift-gitops/base/instance/400-application-set.yaml
Overlays patching the appset to ensure the same overlay is used once deployed:
- openshift-gitops/overlay/dev/kustomization.yaml
- openshift-gitops/overlay/test/kustomization.yaml
For more information see:
A great repository for reference examples of a substantial number of base operators: /~
RedHat Openshift 4.7 GitOps Documentation:
Kustomzie Documentation: