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File metadata and controls

169 lines (116 loc) · 9.18 KB

Bullet Data

English | 中文

Bullet Data is aim to customize visualize configuration data. Support json data visualize.

Currently only the windows platform is supported.


image-20220301155635709 image-20220301152952560 image-20220301154140204

Example data at example_data folder。


  • Visualize configuration data
  • convenient to dynamically modify the structure and format the data according to the configuration information
  • Support custom validation of fields
  • Supports multi-level nesting of fields
  • Supports multilingualization of data

Config Documentation

The configuration items of the fields are configured in fields. The key value in fields is the key value of the field. The configuration items of the sub-items in the field are as follows:

field feature required
type Defines the type of the field, string, object, number, array, select yes
config Segment configuration information for the corresponding type no
name The name of the field displayed on the interface no

If the field type is object, the configuration item needs to add a new configuration item fields to describe which fields the corresponding object has, for example:

      "type": "object",
      "fields": {
          "id": {
              "type": "string",
              "config": {
                  "colSpan": 3,
                  "type": "singleline"
          "name": {
              "type": "string",
              "config": {
                  "colSpan": 3,
                  "type": "singleline"
          "desc": {
              "type": "string",
              "config": {
                  "colSpan": 6,
                  "type": "multiline"

If the field type is array, a configuration item fieldSchema needs to be added to describe the data structure of the corresponding array sub-item. Example:

      "type": "array",
      "fieldSchema": {
          "type": "string",
          "config": {
              "type": "multiline"

The internationalization configuration needs to add the key of the corresponding language in the topmost i18n array. If the data is empty, the default is no internationalization. Example:

  "i18n": ["zh","en"] // Indicates that the two languages zh and en are required

Data Type Configuration

Common configuration for all types:

field feature default value
colSpan The proportion of the width of the data in the card (total width 12) Type is object, array is 12, string, number is 3
defaultValue Default value of field Default value for the field type
enableWhen The data determines whether it exists according to the conditions, js function None, example: "enableWhen": "(obj) => === 'good'", where obj is the object where the current field is located


field feature default value
summary The content of the card title, which supports data formatting, and refers to the property value through {{your_property}} "{{___key}}", ___key is a special mark, indicating the current field name
initialExpand Whether to expand data by default true


field feature default value
summary The title content of the sub-item card, which can support data formatting, and refer to the property value through {{your_property}} "{{___index}}", ___index is a special mark, indicating the serial number of the current child
initialExpand Whether to expand data by default false


field feature default value
type Text type, "singleline" for single-line editing, "multiline" for multi-line editing, "code" for code editing "singleline"
required Is it necessary true
customValidate Custom validation function, js function None, example: "enableWhen": "(v) => v.includes('test')", where v is the current input value
customValidateErrorText Custom error text when validation fails ""
minLen Minimum length of text that can be entered 1
maxLen Maximum length of text that can be entered unlimited
height The line height of the text box, only takes effect when type=multiline or type=code "200px"
needI18n Whether internationalization is required, not work when type=code false
codeLang Avaible when type="code" , monca editor code language ""


field feature default value
type Numeric type, "int" is an integer, "float" is a floating point number "float"
required Is it necessary true
customValidate Custom validation function, js function None, example: "enableWhen": "(v) => v > 1000", where v is the current input value
customValidateErrorText Custom error text when validation fails ""
min The minimum value that can be entered unlimited
max The maximum value that can be entered unlimited
prefix Numerical prefix, only displayed on the interface, does not affect the actual data output ""
suffix Numerical suffix, only displayed on the interface, does not affect the actual data output ""


field feature default value
options List of options, array format [{ "label": "Test", "value": "test"}] []

How to compile

  npm install
  npm run start