Command line interface to Rippling HR.
You can either compile it yourself, but it requires rust ecosystem with cargo
cargo install --git /~
Alternatively you can download a binary release. At least on MacOS you probably will have to clear the quarantine flag after downloading to make it executable:
xattr -d rippling-cli
Disclaimer: This tool persists access token readable on your disk, so it can run commands without authenticating every time. Use it only on a machine that is always under your control.
Rippling uses a weird client-side password hashing which I do not want to replicate. Thus the only way to make this tool work is to extract your access token from the Rippling web application. This is fairly simple with web inspector. Simply log in into Rippling Web UI, and check in local storage for the access token. It should be valid for a fairly long time. Once you have the token, simply run:
rippling-cli configure access-token <your-access-token>
Afterwards you should be able to use this CLI for around a month from my experience.
See all available commands with rippling-cli help
Usage: rippling-cli <COMMAND>
configure Configure this client
status Clock-in Status
clock-in Clock In
clock-out Clock Out
start-break Start a break
end-break Continue after a break
manual Manually add entry for a day
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Manually add entry for a day
Usage: rippling-cli manual [OPTIONS] [RANGES]...
-d, --days-ago <DAYS_AGO> Defaults to 0 (today)
-c, --check Before submitting check for overlap with holidays, weekends or PTO
-y, --yes Bypass prompt with a yes answer
-h, --help Print help
Example: rippling-cli manual 8:30-17
Will add an entry from 8:30 to 17:00 with the German statutory breaks in the middle, in this case a 30min break from 12:30 to 13:00. The statutory break is 30min when working over 6hrs, and 45min when working over 9hrs. The minimum valid break is 15min, so when adding an entry like 8-14:05
it will use a 15min break and not 5min.`