A sample e-commerce demo using asp.net core 2.1 & angular 6
Install latest sdk and cli tools (2.1 required for WebApiController annotations)
- .net core sdk 2.1
- .net core cli 2.1
Update dotnet project templates
dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.Spa.ProjectTemplates::2.1.0
dotnet new --install Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaTemplates::2.1.0-preview1-final
Install global Angular CLI tools
npm i -g // TODO
Generate a new project using the angular spa template
dotnet new angular -o dotnet-core-store
If packages didn't restore automatically, do it manually
dotnet restore
Update npm dependencies for the client app
cd clientapp && npm install
Run the app. The client app will start automatically in the background with ng serve
configured for HMR in dev mode
cd .. && dotnet run
We will deploy to an Azure App Service Free Tier instance. The client app will be built automatically using ng build
when the dotnet publish
command is invoked.
- Add Swagger/Swashbuckle integration for auto-generated API docs (3rd party middleware example)
- Add tests and configure a CI/CD pipeline tool (basic DevOps configuration)
- Configure Docker containers to deploy to Linux and Windows hosts with one command (showcase cross-platform features)