This InSpec Profile was created to facilitate testing and auditing of Microsoft IIS 8.5 Server
infrastructure and applications when validating compliancy with Department of Defense (DoD) STIG
- Profile Version: 2.7.1
- Benchmark Date: 25 Oct 2023
- Benchmark Version: Version 2 Release 7 (V2R7)
This profile was developed to reduce the time it takes to perform a security checks based upon the STIG Guidance from the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) in partnership between the DISA Services Directorate (SD) and the DISA Risk Management Executive (RME) office.
The results of a profile run will provide information needed to support an Authority to Operate (ATO) decision for the applicable technology.
The Microsoft IIS 8.5 Server STIG Profile uses the InSpec open-source compliance validation language to support automation of the required compliance, security and policy testing for Assessment and Authorization (A&A) and Authority to Operate (ATO) decisions and Continuous Authority to Operate (cATO) processes.
- STIG Benchmark Information
- Getting Started
- Running the Profile
- Using Heimdall for Viewing Test Results
The DISA RME and DISA SD Office, along with their vendor partners, create and maintain a set of Security Technical Implementation Guides for applications, computer systems and networks connected to the Department of Defense (DoD). These guidelines are the primary security standards used by the DoD agencies. In addition to defining security guidelines, the STIGs also stipulate how security training should proceed and when security checks should occur. Organizations must stay compliant with these guidelines or they risk having their access to the DoD terminated.
Requirements associated with the Microsoft IIS 8.5 Server STIG are derived from the Security Requirements Guides and align to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-53 Security Controls, DoD Control Correlation Identifier and related standards.
The Microsoft IIS 8.5 Server STIG profile checks were developed to provide technical implementation validation to the defined DoD requirements, the guidance can provide insight for any organizations wishing to enhance their security posture and can be tailored easily for use in your organization.
For maximum flexibility/accessibility cinc-auditor
, the open-source packaged binary version of Chef InSpec should be used,
compiled by the CINC (CINC Is Not Chef) project in coordination with Chef using Chef's always-open-source InSpec source code.
For more information see CINC Home
It is intended and recommended that CINC-auditor and this profile executed from a "runner" host (such as a DevOps orchestration server, an administrative management system, or a developer's workstation/laptop) against the target. This can be any Unix/Linux/MacOS or Windows runner host, with access to the Internet.
For the best security of the runner, always install on the runner the latest version of CINC-auditor and any other supporting language components.
To install CINC-auditor on a UNIX/Linux/MacOS platform use the following command:
curl -L | sudo bash -s -- -P cinc-auditor
To install CINC-auditor on a Windows platform (Powershell) use the following command:
. { iwr -useb } | iex; install -project cinc-auditor
To confirm successful install of cinc-auditor:
cinc-auditor -v
Latest versions and other installation options are available at CINC Auditor site.
The latest
version of the profile is intended for use in A&A testing, as well as providing formal results to Authorizing Officials and Identity and Access Management (IAM)s. Please use thereleased
versions of the profile in these types of workflows. -
branch is a development branch that will become the next release of the profile. Themain
branch is intended for use in developing and testing merge requests for the next release of the profile, and is not intended be used for formal and ongoing testing on systems.
This profile uses InSpec Inputs providing flexibility during testing. Inputs allow for customize the behavior of Chef InSpec profiles.
InSpec Inputs are defined in the inspec.yml
file. The inputs
configured in this
file are profile definition and defaults for the profile extracted from the profile
guidances and contain metadata that describes the profile, and shouldn't be modified.
InSpec provides several methods for customizing profiles behaviors at run-time that does not require
modifying the inspec.yml
file itself (see Using Customized Inputs).
The following inputs are permitted to be configured in an inputs .yml
file (often named inputs.yml)
for the profile to run correctly on a specific environment, while still complying with the security
guidance document intent. This is important to prevent confusion when test results are passed downstream
to different stakeholders under the security guidance name used by this profile repository
For changes beyond the inputs cited in this section, users can create an organizationally-named overlay repository. For more information on developing overlays, reference the MITRE SAF Training
Example of tailoring Inputs While Still Complying with the security guidance document for the profile:
# This file specifies the attributes for the configurable controls
# used by the Microsoft IIS 8.5 Server STIG profile.
# Disable controls that are known to consistently have long run times
disable_slow_controls: [true or false]
# A unique list of administrative users
admins_list: [admin1, admin2, admin3]
# List of configuration files for the specific system
logging_conf_files: [
Inputs are variables that are referenced by control(s) in the profile that implement them.
They are declared (defined) and given a default value in the inspec.yml
Customized inputs may be used at the CLI by providing an input file or a flag at execution time.
Using the
[inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <my-profile.tar.gz> --input disable_slow_controls=true
Using the
[inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <my-profile.tar.gz> --input-file=<my_inputs_file.yml>
For additional information about input
file examples reference the MITRE SAF Training
Chef InSpec Resources:
The Gemfile provided contains all the necessary ruby dependencies for checking the profile controls.
All action are conducted using ruby
(gemstone/programming language). Currently inspec
commands have been tested with ruby version 3.1.2. A higher version of ruby is not guaranteed to
provide the expected results. Any modern distribution of Ruby comes with Bundler preinstalled by default.
Install ruby based on the OS being used, see Installing Ruby
After installing ruby
install the necessary dependencies by invoking the bundler command
(must be in the same directory where the Gemfile is located):
bundle install
Linting and validating controls:
bundle exec rake [inspec or cinc-auditor]:check # validate the inspec profile
bundle exec rake lint # Run RuboCop
bundle exec rake lint:autocorrect # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (only when it's safe)
bundle exec rake lint:autocorrect_all # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (safe and unsafe)
bundle exec rake pre_commit_checks # pre-commit checks
Ensure the controls are ready to be committed into the repo:
bundle exec rake pre_commit_checks
This options is best used when network connectivity is available and policies permit access to the hosting repository.
# Using `ssh` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec /~ --input-file=<your_inputs_file.yml> -t ssh://<hostname>:<port> --sudo --reporter=cli json:<your_results_file.json>
# Using `winrm` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec /~ --target winrm://<hostip> --user '<admin-account>' --password=<password> --input-file=<path_to_your_inputs_file/name_of_your_inputs_file.yml> --reporter=cli json:<path_to_your_output_file/name_of_your_output_file.json>
If your runner is not always expected to have direct access to the profile's hosted location, use the following steps to create an archive bundle of this overlay and all of its dependent tests:
Git is required to clone the InSpec profile using the instructions below. Git can be downloaded from the Git Web Site.
When the "runner" host uses this profile overlay for the first time, follow these steps:
mkdir profiles
cd profiles
git clone /~
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] archive microsoft-iis-8.5-server-stig-baseline
# Using `ssh` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <name of generated archive> --input-file=<your_inputs_file.yml> -t ssh://<hostname>:<port> --sudo --reporter=cli json:<your_results_file.json>
# Using `winrm` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <name of generated archive> --target winrm://<hostip> --user '<admin-account>' --password=<password> --input-file=<path_to_your_inputs_file/name_of_your_inputs_file.yml> --reporter=cli json:<path_to_your_output_file/name_of_your_output_file.json>
For every successive run, follow these steps to always have the latest version of this profile baseline:
cd microsoft-iis-8.5-server-stig-baseline
git pull
cd ..
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] archive microsoft-iis-8.5-server-stig-baseline --overwrite
# Using `ssh` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <name of generated archive> --input-file=<your_inputs_file.yml> -t ssh://<hostname>:<port> --sudo --reporter=cli json:<your_results_file.json>
# Using `winrm` transport
bundle exec [inspec or cinc-auditor] exec <name of generated archive> --target winrm://<hostip> --user '<admin-account>' --password=<password> --input-file=<path_to_your_inputs_file/name_of_your_inputs_file.yml> --reporter=cli json:<path_to_your_output_file/name_of_your_output_file.json>
The JSON results output file can be loaded into Heimdall-Lite or Heimdall-Server for a user-interactive, graphical view of the profile scan results.
Heimdall-Lite is a browser only
viewer that allows you to easily view your results directly and locally rendered in your browser.
Heimdall-Server is configured with a data-services backend
allowing for data persistency to a database (PostgreSQL).
For more detail on feature capabilities see Heimdall Features
Heimdall can export your results into a DISA Checklist (CKL) file for easily uploading into eMass using the Heimdall Export
Depending on your environment restrictions, the SAF CLI can be used to run a local docker instance
of Heimdall-Lite via the saf view:heimdall
Additionally both Heimdall applications can be deployed via docker, kubernetes, or the installation packages.
Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
STIG support by DISA Risk Management Team and Cyber Exchange
MITRE Security Automation Framework Team
© 2018-2025 The MITRE Corporation.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 18-3678.
MITRE hereby grants express written permission to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, and otherwise leverage this software to the extent permitted by the licensed terms provided in the file included with this project.
This software was produced for the U. S. Government under Contract Number HHSM-500-2012-00008I, and is subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.227-14, Rights in Data-General.
No other use other than that granted to the U. S. Government, or to those acting on behalf of the U. S. Government under that Clause is authorized without the express written permission of The MITRE Corporation.
For further information, please contact The MITRE Corporation, Contracts Management Office, 7515 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539, (703) 983-6000.