All Kubernetes resources are managed as Helm charts, the Kubernetes package manager. Analytics-specific charts are served via our Helm repository - source code is in the ministryofjustice/analytics-platform-helm-charts repository, and chart values for each environment are stored in this reposirory
Encrypted configuration. Files can be decrypted by following Git-crypt instructions below.
Each environment has its own set of configuration files under the /chart-env-config
directory, for example the configuration for the dev
environment is the /chart-env-config/dev
Most of these files contain the configuration (helm values) for the corresponding helm release, many of these helm charts are maintained by us (see ministryofjustice/analytics-platform-helm-charts
NOTE helm is run from your workstation. There is no CI/CD for this repo.
- Install helm v2 as per (Install Helm3 & Helm2 on macOS)[]
- need kubectl installed and configured and working on your workstation. if the alpha cluster is config in a file called say alpha specify:
export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:$HOME/.kube/config:$HOME/.kube/alpha
kubectl config use-context
- cd to chart-env-config/alpha and modify the appropriate yaml file. For eample filebeat-node.yml
- setup and dry run helm2 to upgrade chart. For example the filebeats chart:
helm2 init --upgrade
helm2 repo add elastic
helm2 upgrade --debug filebeats-node elastic/filebeat --version 7.10.0 -f ./filebeat-node.yaml --namespace kube-system --install --dry-run
-finally run
helm2 upgrade --debug filebeats-node elastic/filebeat --version 7.10.0 -f ./filebeat-node.yaml --namespace kube-system --install --dry-run
This repo contains secrets stored with git-crypt. These need decrypting before use. You need to have your GPG key added to this repo before you are able to do this.
See git-crypt for Analytical Platform for usage instructions.
NB Specifically for this repo: when you rotate the root key you must also Supply Concourse with the new key. This crops up when you remove a user.
Concourse needs access to this config, and rotating the root key will have locked it out until you supply the new one.
Get the hash of the new key:
base64 < .git/git-crypt/keys/default
Replace the value in 4 places in this repo (search for
) -
Re-deploy charts: concourse-org-pipeline & concourse-admin-team. Example commands:
# dev initially ENV=dev export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/$ # or however you switch to the dev cluster cd ~/ap # or wherever your repos are checked out helm upgrade --install org-pipeline-moj-analytical-services mojanalytics/concourse-org-pipeline --values analytics-platform-config/chart-env-config/$ENV/concourse-org-pipeline.yaml helm history org-pipeline-moj-analytical-services # check it looks right helm upgrade --install concourse-admin-team mojanalytics/concourse-admin-team --values analytics-platform-config/ chart-env-config/$ENV/concourse-admin-team.yaml helm history concourse-admin-team # check it looks right # Now repeat the above, but with ENV=alpha # Monitor the next few builds: # (See /~ ) fly -t mojap-alpha builds -c 5 # Run a test build, e.g.