Pac-Tastic is a Java Swing application that brings back the classic arcade game Pacman. It challenges players to navigate through a maze, eat pellets, avoid enemies, and collect various upgrades.
- Main menu with options for starting a new game, viewing high scores, and exiting
- Real-time graphical interface with time, life, score and level counter
- Scalable, resizable game window
- Randomly generated maze with customizable size (10 to 100 rows/columns)
- High score persistence in high-scores.dat
- Sound interactive gameplay
- Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system and your path system variable has been set.
- Clone the repository:
git clone /~
- Get inside the repository and compile the source files:
cd pac-tastic && javac -d bin -cp src src/*.java
- Copy resources needed at runtime:
cp -r resources/pics/ resources/sounds/ -t bin/
- Run the program:
cd bin && java Main
- Ensure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system and your path system variable has been set.
- Clone the repository:
git clone /~
- Get inside the repository and compile the source files:
cd pac-tastic javac -d bin -cp src src/*.java
- Copy resources needed at runtime:
xcopy /s /i resources\pics\* bin\ & xcopy /s /i resources\sounds\* bin\
- Run the program:
cd bin java Main
If you're unable to install pac-tastic, make sure you have JDK and your path variable set up.
- Navigate the main menu using the mouse and press to select an option.
- In the "New Game" option, enter the desired size of the game board (rows/columns).
- Control Pacman using the arrow keys.
- Points are generated in random places of the map every 5 seconds.
- When the game is over you can save the score.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue, submit a pull request or contact me directly.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Rendering bugs cause some cells to 'blink'.
- When playing for a second time, map should be bigger than in previous game or program restarted.
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