ML DevOps project: Imagine you are working for a property management company renting rooms and properties for short periods of time on various rental platforms. Estimate the typical price for a given property based on the price of similar properties. New data is received in bulk every week. The model needs to be retrained with the same cadence, necessitating an end-to-end pipeline that can be reused. In this project you will build such a pipeline.
Data has been downloaded from the Udacity build-ml-pipeline-for-short-term-rental-prices starter kit.
Clone the repository locally:
git clone /~[your github username]/build-ml-pipeline-for-short-term-rental-prices.git
and go into the repository:
cd build-ml-pipeline-for-short-term-rental-prices
Make sure to have conda installed and ready, then create a new environment using the environment.yml
file provided in the root of the repository and activate it:
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate nyc_airbnb_dev
Let's make sure we are logged in to Weights & Biases. Get your API key from W&B by going to and click on the + icon (copy to clipboard), then paste your key into this command:
$ wandb login [your API key]
You should see a message similar to:
wandb: Appending key for to your netrc file: /home/[your username]/.netrc
You can use to create stubs for new pipeline components. It is not required that you use this, but it might save you from a bit of boilerplate code.
$ cookiecutter cookie-mlflow-step -o src
step_name [step_name]: basic_cleaning
script_name []:
job_type [my_step]: basic_cleaning
short_description [My step]: This steps cleans the data
long_description [An example of a step using MLflow and Weights & Biases]: Performs basic cleaning on the data and save the results in Weights & Biases
parameters [parameter1,parameter2]: parameter1,parameter2,parameter3
This will create a step called basic_cleaning
under the directory src
with the following structure:
$ ls src/basic_cleaning/
conda.yml MLproject
You can now modify the script (
), the conda environment (conda.yml
) and the project definition
) as you please.
The script
will receive the input parameters parameter1
, parameter2
and it will be called like:
$ mlflow run src/step_name -P parameter1=1 -P parameter2=2 -P parameter3="test"
In order to run the pipeline execute:
$ mlflow run .
This will run the entire pipeline.
To run only the download
step, execute the below:
$ mlflow run . -P steps=download
If you want to run the download
and the basic_cleaning
steps, you can similarly do:
$ mlflow run . -P steps=download,basic_cleaning
You can override any other parameter in the configuration file using the Hydra syntax, by
providing it as a hydra_options
parameter. For example, say that we want to set the parameter
modeling -$ random_forest -> n_estimators to 10 and etl->min_price to 50:
$ mlflow run . \
-P steps=download,basic_cleaning \
-P hydra_options="modeling.random_forest.n_estimators=10 etl.min_price=50"