Small script to setup a full dev-env for different python versions
HOME=~/local is the base of everything HOME/installs all the local installs HOME/installs_source HOME/pytorch/PY_VERSION contains a pytorch install for that particular python version
wget whatever from tar zxvf cmake-3.* cd cmake-3.* ./bootstrap --prefix=/home/albandes/local/cmake_install make -j$(nproc) make install add cmake_install to PATH
git clone /~ make make PREFIX=/home/albandes/local/openblas_install install add /home/albandes/local/openblas_install/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Get autoconf from install Get ccache /~ ./ ./configure make install prefix=/home/albandes/local/ccache_install ln -s ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/ccache ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/cc ln -s ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/ccache ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/c++ ln -s ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/ccache ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/gcc ln -s ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/ccache ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/g++ ln -s ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/ccache ~/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin/nvcc export PATH=/home/albandes/local/tmp_ccache_install/bin:$PATH
cpython download
cpython local install
use local pip to install virtualenv
use virtualenv to create env for this python
direnv is either provided or can be downloaded from they github
add eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
at the end of bashrc and allow all the necessary folders
git clone submodule update init recursive git remote add alban pip install requirements.txt pip install ninja python develop
git checkout submodule update python clean python develop