This Spring Boot application provides endpoints for AI-assisted language processing, including spelling and grammar correction and text translation. It utilizes the services provided by CorrectorService
and TranslatorService
to interact with an AI assistant.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone /~
Go to the file :
cd translator-ai-api
Compile to jar the application:
mvn clean install
Launch the application:
java -jar target/springai-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Endpoint: /ai/translator
- Method: GET
- in request param: translate (required): The target language into which the text should be translated.
- in request body: sentences (required): The sentences to be translated into the specified language.
- Endpoint: /ai/corrector
- Method: GET
- In request param: language (required): The language in which the correction response should be provided. (Default value: "english" if not specified)
- in request body: sentences (required): The sentences containing spelling and grammar mistakes to be corrected.
Endpoint: /ping
Method: GET
Description: A simple health check endpoint that returns "pong" to indicate that the application is running.