Our implemtation of the As-Rigid-As-Possible (ARAP) algorithm by Olga Sorkine-Hornung and Marc Alexa for the course 3D Scanning & Motion Capture (IN2354) at Technical University of Munich.
Our implementation follows the paper "As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Modeling" by Olga Sorkine-Hornung and Marc Alexa. We implemented the weight calculation as presented in "On Linear Variational Surface Deformation Methods" by Mario Botsch and Olga Sorkine.
This implementation depends on the following libaries:
These librabies can be installed with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install -y \
libeigen3-dev \
libglfw3 libglfw3-dev
Depending on your system setup, further dependencies might be required. Have a look at the Dockerfile to see how to install ALL dependencies on a clean Ubuntu setup.
To run the compilation inside the Docker container, just run the docker-compose file (with docker-compose run --rm arab-dev
) or use vscode devcontainers. Note that running in Docker containers will possibly reduce the performance.
To compile the application, run the following commands from the root directory:
cmake .
Or use just with just -l
(to list all available commands) and e.g. just build
(to build).
Setup a x11 server (e.g. https://x410.dev under Windows) and execute the binary.
In the devcontainer.json
or docker-compose.yml
-file the $DISPLAY
variables might have to be adjusted, depeding on your x11 setup.
Use just runb
to compile and run the application.
If any issues arise, execute just clean
before running just build
The mesh file to load can be adjusted in the main.cpp
. There are also a few options defined as macros in the arap.cpp
You can mark vertices with the left mouse button. Right mouse button to remove marked vertices. The selection mode as well as settings of the viewport can be changed by pressing keys that are listed in the console during application startup.
This repository comes with some example mesh .off
(Object File Format) files.
The following licenses apply:
File | License |
bunny.off | The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository, http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/3Dscanrep |
cube.off | Created by us |
decimated-knight.off | Cosmic blobs, http://www.mit.edu/~ibaran/autorig |