This dataset contains information on video games that have achieved sales of over 100,000 copies. The data originates from a scrape of
- Rank: Ranking based on overall sales.
- Name: Name of the game.
- Platform: The release platform for the game (e.g., PC, PS4).
- Year: The year the game was released.
- Genre: Game's genre.
- Publisher: Game's publisher.
- NA_Sales: Sales figures from North America (in millions).
- EU_Sales: Sales figures from Europe (in millions).
- JP_Sales: Sales figures from Japan (in millions).
- Other_Sales: Sales figures from other parts of the world (in millions).
- Global_Sales: Cumulative global sales.
The data was scraped using a script that leverages BeautifulSoup in Python. You can find the scraping script here. From the total of 16,598 records, 2 were excluded due to missing data.
- Loading Data 📚
- Pandas Profiling 🔎
- Released Games by Year 📝
- Sales Analysis 💵
- Sales Distribution 📈
- Distribution of Sales by Genre 🙅
- Sales Distribution by ESRB Rating 🔞
- Publisher Analysis 📸