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VOPHER - Acquire (n)vim-plugins - fast

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vopher is a standalone program to acuire plugins for vim/neovim. The user provides a vopher.list files which contains references to the desired plugins. Based upon that vopher.list file, file downloads the plugins and unpacks them in the appropriate folder. vopher requires no 3rd party programs to do its job.

vopher fetches and unpacks the 53 (yes.) plugins of its author in ~ 2s.


A screencast showing a list of plugins managed by vopher

Usage: vopher [flags] <action>


        don't keep <plugin>.zip around [prune]
  -dir string
        directory to extract the plugins to (default "./pack/vopher/start")
        dry-run, show what would happen [prune, clean]
  -f string
        path|url to list of plugins (default "vopher.list")
  -filter value
        operate on given plugins only; matches substrings, can be given multiple times
        force certain actions [prune, clean]
  -ui update
        ui mode ('simple' or 'oneline', works with update action)
  -v    show version


  update   - acquires the given plugins from '-f <list>'
  fupdate  - fast update plugins from '-f <list>'
  fetch    - fetch a remote archive and extract it. the arguments are like fields
             in a vopher.list file
  search   - searches to list some plugins. Anything
             after this is considered as "the search arguments"
  check    - checks plugins from '-f <list>' for newer versions
  clean    - removes given plugins from the '-f <list>'
             * use '-force' to delete plugins.
  prune    - removes all entries from -dir <folder> which are not referenced in
             '-f <list>'.
             * use '-force' to delete plugins.
             * use '-all=true' to delete <plugin>.zip files.
  status   - lists plugins in '-dir <folder>' and marks them accordingly
             * 'v' means vopher is tracking the plugin in your '-f <list>'
             * 'm' means vopher is tracking the plugin and it's missing. You can
               fetch it with the 'update' action.
             * no mark means that the plugin is not tracked by vopher
  sample   - prints a sample vopher.list to stdout
  version  - prints version of vopher
  archives - list all supported archive types

Sample session

$> cd ~/.vim

Acquire all of the plugins referenced in 'vopher.list' (the default file) and put the fetched plugins into the 'pack/vopher/start' folder where Vim8 picks them up without any further work:

$> vopher up
vopher: (10/10) [=================== 100% ====================]

So, what's in my 'pack/vopher/start' directory and how do they relate to my vopher.list-file?

$> vopher status
v  EasyDigraph.vim
v  buftabs
v  goldenview
v  unicode.vim
v  vim-bbye
v  vim-bufferline
v  vim-fugitive
v  vim-gitgutter
v  vim-go
v  vim-jinja

Lines marked with 'v' are plugins referenced in the vopher.list. 'vm' marked lines are referenced plugins which are missing (acquire them by using the 'update' action). Lines without a special prefix are folders inside the download folder, but they are not referenced by an entry in vopher.list.

I want to try out a new plugin I found on the internets:

$> vopher fetch /~
vopher: (1/1) [=================== 100% ======================]

Did that work? Lets check:

$> vopher status
v  EasyDigraph.vim
v  buftabs
v  goldenview
v  unicode.vim
v  vim-bbye
v  vim-bufferline
v  vim-fugitive
v  vim-gitgutter
v  vim-go
v  vim-jinja

Note the lack of 'v' in the last line: vim-merginal was an adhoc-fetch which has no reference in a vopher.list and thus vopher does not know where this plugin came from.

Let's check for updates / new stuff:

$> vopher check
## goldenview - /~

- master commits:

  31af855bd5 2014-09-08T08:41:49-04:00 Merge pull request #15 from lllama/patch-1
  0bb152d6d3 2014-08-18T10:55:38+03:00 Update Installation instructions with correct git link
  495a5cef06 2013-10-28T10:18:34-04:00 [admin] update zl
  c6c669b30d 2013-10-28T10:18:34-04:00 [minor] Do not open empty buffer by default
  f726e8885f 2013-10-28T10:18:34-04:00 [minor] tweak minheight
  91d52f86e6 2013-10-28T03:23:52-07:00 Merge pull request #10 from jvanbaarsen/patch-1
  39e97ad002 2013-10-28T10:53:41+01:00 Update
  60f6c3e5a8 2013-05-07T21:42:48-04:00 [admin] update vimup message
  323a1f6c85 2013-05-07T21:17:45-04:00 [admin] update zl.vim
  0b1f325ba0 2013-04-27T20:23:37-04:00 [update] increase GoldenMinHeight
 *c23469a0bc 2013-04-26T17:10:53-04:00 [fix] Dirdiff
  c118d96660 2013-04-26T16:37:33-04:00 [minor] update GoldenViewTrace code

- commits:

 *c23469a0bc 2013-04-26T17:10:53-04:00 [fix] Dirdiff
  c118d96660 2013-04-26T16:37:33-04:00 [minor] update GoldenViewTrace code

- tags:

 *V1.3.5 2013-04-26T21:11:48Z V1.3.5
  V1.3.0 2013-04-22T21:57:01Z V1.3.0

GoldenView.Vim#V1.3.5 is referenced in the vopher.list-file. vopher tries to guess what commit this actually is and marks that line with a '*'. so, you can easily see that there seems to be no new release for 'GoldenView', allthough there are some new commits.

I need more color! Are there any colorschemes available?

$> vopher search colors
5856 vim-colors-solarized precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
   github: /~

1151 vim-colorschemes one colorscheme pack to rule them all!
   github: /~

482 vividchalk.vim vividchalk.vim: a colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor
   github: /~

459 vim-css-color Highlight colors in css files
   github: /~

416 unite-colorscheme A unite.vim plugin
   github: /~

Building / Installation

To build vopher, a working Go compiler is needed. Then do this:

$> go install -v

This will fetch and build vopher in the "build-vopher/bin" directory. Copy the binary to any place you need it.

To build vopher with support for LZMA/XZ:

$> go install -v -tags lzma

If you've already cloned vopher and are rebuilding for tests or contributing, do the following:

$> make bin/vopher

The vopher-file format

The vopher-file is pretty simple:

# a comment starts with a '#'
# empty lines are ignored
#  whitespaces at start or end of the line are ignored by vopher

# fetches diffchar from vimscripts

# fetches diffchar from vimscripts and pick a proper folder name

# fetches diffchar from vimscripts, pick a proper folder name AND prevent
# stripping away the first path within the .zip file
diffchar strip=0

# Github hosts lots of vimscripts and it has special powers: the regular
# file fetching API allows to specifiy versions etc.

# fetches vim-fugitive, current HEAD

# fetches vim-fugitive, tagged release 'v2.1'

# fetches vim-fugitive, commit 913fff1cea3aa1a08a360a494fa05555e59147f5

# fetches vim-fugitive, commit 913fff1cea3aa1a08a360a494fa05555e59147f5,
# but since it's too long, just use the short-version of it

# fetches vim-fugitive, apply some options to the
# parser/extractor
/~ option1=foo option2=bar

# fetches vim-fugitive, call a post-update cmd. vophers
# sets the following environment variables:
# VOPHR_NAME        - plugin name
# VOPHER_ARCHIVE    - plugin name.ext
# VOPHER_DIR        - plugin folder
# VOPHER_URL        - url of plugin
/~ postupdate=/path/to/cmd

# variant of postupdate: postupdate.linux=/path/to/cmd

Supported archive types

  • .zip
  • .vba, .vba.gz, .vmb, .vmb.gz (see Charles E. Campbell)
  • .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.bz2, .tar.bzip2
  • optional: .tar.lzma, .tar.xz, .tar.zst

If the archive type can not be guessed by looking at the filename, vopher probes the HTTP server to get a clue about the archive type.


Bootstrap your Vim folder

Since vopher is able to fetch and extract data all on it's own, you can also use it to boostrap your own .vim (or .config/nvim) folder:

$> vopher -dir . fetch .vim
vopher: (1/1) [================ 100% =================]
$> ln -s .vim/init.vim .vimrc
$> cd .vim && vopher up
vopher: (38/38) [============== 100% =================]

And done. I am ready to use Vim with all my plugins installed.


There is no UI integration into vim!!

Yep, nothing to see on this front here .. yet. I need some means to exchange messages between vim and vopher in an asyncronous way, without the need for +clientserver. I am also not so sure that the effort on integrating vopher into the vim-UI is really worth it: I use vim as my text editor, not as a means to constantly updating and managing the plugins I use. Thus, I consider using vopher a rare case. Using the command line outside of vim is fine for me right now.


pathogen (which is what I use) has no means on it's own to acquire plugins.

vundle needs git. It fetches the whole history of any plugin. I am not interested in the history, I am just interested in a certain snapshot for a certain vim-plugin. In addition to that: the installation of git on Windows takes up ~ 250mb. The sum of my vim-plugins take up ~ 4mb.

Neobundle depends on git or svn.

Why not use curl/python/ruby???

curl is easy to install and available everywhere. But it's a bit stupid on it's own. I would have to write a lot of what vopher does on it's own in a real programming language 'x'. Or VimL (vimscript). Which would lead to even more code and maybe an additional interpreter which might need even more stuff. On Windows the curl-binary which supports https weighs ~ 1.6mb. A python installer for Windows weighs ~ 17mb, installed ~ 60mb. Yeah, one could create a standalone binary with something like PyInstaller. This does not give anything substantially better than the Golang-produced binary and it's builtin networking and concurrency powers.

But Python and Ruby are just a brew install away!

Yep. If you are working mostly on the same platform you can get very comfortable with your nice and cosy environment. If you switch platform borders on a regular basis, things become a bit more complicated. I want to place one .zip file on my server, containing all my vim files, vopher binaries and then I am ready to go (pun) in no time.

Will vopher handle all the dependencies for me?

Nope. There is no central repository for plugins which all of the plugin-writers agree on (in contrast, SublimeText3 has the defacto standard ). Ontop of that something like a file-format for dependencies is lacking. Again, setting up the vopher.list file is something rare; I expect to change it from time to time. Dependencies for the plugins won't change that often either. So, a lot of effort and nothing substantial to gain from.


Copyright (c) Mathias Gumz. Distributed under the same terms as vim itself. See :help license.

(Optional) Dependencies:

zstd: Copyright (c) Klaus Post, check vendor/

lzma: Copyright (c) 2010, Andrei Vieru, check vendor/