Paint images using famous artistic styles in seconds (or less!)
using pre-trained styles (models) or trainstyle
a new model on a new style
a TensorFlow implementation for feed forward CNN fast neural style transfer, based on [1-3].
works with different versions of pre-trained TF models, many pre-trained models included (more to come)
styles | outputs | outputs | styles |
rain princess | the shipwreck of the minotaur | ||
wave | mosaic | ||
the scream | composition vii | ||
la muse | cubist | ||
udnie | feathers |
Command line:
-i [ input (content) ] -o [ output (stylized content) ] -m [ model (style) ] -ma [ mask ] -bl [ blend ]
Example: python
-i inputs/stanford.jpg -o outputs/stanford_cubist.jpg -m pre-trained_models/cubist.model -ma 1 -bl 0.05
required arguments:
-i, --input
dir or file to transform (content)
-o, --output
destination (dir or file) of transformed input (stylized content)
-m, --model
path to load model (.ckpt or .model/.meta) from
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-d, --device
device to perform compute on (default: /gpu:0)
-b, --batch-size
batch size for feed-forwarding (default: 4)
-a, --model-arch
model architecture if models in form (.model) are used, (default: pre-trained_models/model.meta)
-ma, --mask
create binary mask from input (@ 1% of max) and mask output (default: 0 -> no masking)
-bl, --blend
multiply the original image with the output using a weighting (factor) -- to preserve original colors / contrast (default: 0 -> no blending)
Command line:
-s [ style ] -c [ checkpoint dir ] -o [ output test image ] -i [ checkpoint iterations ] -t [ training set path ]
-od [ output test dir ] -cw [ content weight ] -tv [ tv weight ] -sw [ style weight ] - b [ batch size ] -l [ learning rate ] -n [ network path ]
Example: python
-s styles/the_scream.jpg -c checkpoint -o stanford.jpg
-od test -cw 1.5e1 -i 1000 -b 20
required arguments:
-c, --checkpoint-dir
dir to save checkpoint in
-s, --style
desired style image path
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-t, --train-path
path to training images folder
-o, --output
output test image at every checkpoint path
-od, --output-dir
output test images dir
-e, --epochs
# of epochs
-b, --batch-size
batch size
-i, --checkpoint-iterations
checkpoint frequency
-n, --net-path
path to VGG19 network (default data/imagenet-vgg-verydeep-19.mat)
-cw, --content-weight
content weight (default 7.5)
-sw, --style-weight
style weight (default 100.0)
-tw, --tv-weight
total variation regularization weight (default 200.0)
-l, --learning-rate
learning rate (default 0.001)
- Python 2.7.9
- TensorFlow 0.11.0 >=
- scipy 0.18.1
- numpy 1.11.2
COCO dataset (training data)
VGG19 imagenet weights
Implementation based on fast-style-transfer: /~ by lengstrom (engstrom at mit dot edu)
TF vgg network from: /~ by anishathalye (
Pre-trained models acquired from:
[1] Johnson, Justin, Alexandre Alahi, and Li Fei-Fei. "Perceptual losses for real-time style transfer and super-resolution." arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.08155.
check out Justin's repo for a theano/Lua implementation: /~
[2] Ulyanov, Dmitry, Andrea Vedaldi, and Victor Lempitsky. "Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08022.
[3] Gatys, Leon A., Alexander S. Ecker, and Matthias Bethge. "A neural algorithm of artistic style." arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.06576.