Linux ( Termux, Kali linux...)
git clone /~https://github.com/mfr-fr/sms-sender.git cd sms-sender pip install -r requirements.txt python sms-sender.py
You can do it all in one command.
git clone /~https://github.com/mfr-fr/sms-sender.git && cd sms-sender && pip install -r requirements.txt && python sms-sender.py
If this is the first time you run the script you must first run : install-on-windows.bat if you have already installed the dependencies you just have to launch : start-on-windows.bat
sms-sender requires following programs to run properly
git (for linux only)
python 3
to run this script you need python modules that will be installed automatically with python.
- Windows
- Kali Linux
- Termux
- I am in no way responsible for your actions with this scrip.
- This script for educational purposes only.
- I do not encourage you to use this script for malicious purposes
- MFR - Github