Local Node.js AWS Kinesis->Lambda (stupid) debug tool.
- You can use the web interface at http://localhost:8910/ or the awscli tool specifing http://localhost:4567 as endpoint of Kinesis service.
- function code must be included (dependencies also) on a .zip file.
- .js file that contains, and export, the handler must be in the root of zip file.
- if not specified with
--filename \<handlerfilename>
option index.js is asumed as name of the file exporting lambda function handler. - if not specified with
--handler \<functionhandlername>
option handler is asumed as name of the exported lambda function handler.
./deployLambda.js --zip-file <zipfilename> --name <functionname>
./startLambda.js --function-name <functionname> --stream-name <streamname>
If you use Windows then command must be executed in a PowerShell instance. A bash command that look like "./<commnad>.js --option value" in Bash/Sh must be "translated" in "node <command>.js --option value".
Use wsl instead of PS.