For the installation a rstudio container image derived from rocker/rstudio without the VOLUME definition is required. VOLUME breaks user home dirs on IPB infrastructure.
git clone /~
cd rocker-versioned/rstudio
sed '/VOLUME \/home\/rstudio\/kitematic/d' -i latest.Dockerfile
docker build -t rstudio -f latest.Dockerfile .
export VERSION=`cat latest.Dockerfile | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\([0-9].[0-9].[0-9]\)/\1/'`
docker tag rstudio rstudio:"$VERSION"
Then create container with:
docker build . -t rstudio-ipb
docker run -d --restart=always -p 80:8787 -v "/vol:/vol" -v "/mnt/ifs:/mnt/ifs" -v "/home:/home" --name rstudio-ipb-run rstudio-ipb