An Airline company called Spark Airways, recieves JSON flight data on daily basis in its GCS bucket. It contains fields such as id, flight_date, airline_code, flight_num, source_airport, destination_airport, departure_time, departure_delay, arrival_time, arrival_delay, airtime, and distance. Design an ETL pipeline for daily data ingestion of this flight data to produce average flight delays by flight number and distance as tables in BigQuery.
- Spark SQL
- pyspark
- Airflow (Cloud Composer)
- GCS (Google Cloud Storage)
- BigQuery
- Shell
- Create BigQuery tables avg_delays_by_flight_nums and avg_delays_by_distance using BQ command shell script.
- Create ephemeral Dataproc Cluster.
- Load daily JSON file as a dataframe in pyspark script ( and apply transformations to flight delays data using spark-sql to produre output tables.
- Save the transformed data into GCS output bucket.
- Load the transformed data from GCS output bucket into Bigquery partitioned tables.
- Delete ephemeral Dataproc Cluster and transformed output data from GCS output bucket.
- Use Apache Airflow to create DAGs and automate the Spark ETL batch processing job.