Here are the official TensorFlow implementation. This study is in the journal Ecological Informatics. You can find it here
- Continuous frame sequence as a dynamic visual representation of the bird sound;
- Spectrogram-frame linear network (SFLN) is used for the classification of bird sound, which emphasizes the changes of bird sound in time domain and frequency domain;
- The shorter the frame length and frame shift of consecutive frame sequences, and the better the classification effect of SFLN;
- The method achieves excellent classification effects and has good robustness in complex backgrounds.
Please cite if you referred our work.
Zhang X, Chen A, Zhou G, et al. Spectrogram-frame linear network and continuous frame sequence for bird sound classification[J]. Ecological Informatics, 2019, 54: 101009.
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004
一个从 下载音频数据的网络爬虫
- 下载列表维护,支持断点续传;
- 捕获网络异常,加入重试机制;
- 可根据重试计数更换代理;
- 模块化设计,可根据文件计数器加入动态代理;
- 从MP3到梅尔频谱图的转换
- 图像标准化,数据增强
- continuous frame sequence 的构建
- 自动化的 batch 生成器
- 以上述3D图像帧序列为输入
- 为音频特殊设计的 Spectrogram-frame linear layer
- 一系列结果分析以及可视化方法
- Tensorflow 1.14以上,需要eager模式支持
- librosa,音频处理
- PIL,图像处理
- scipy,图像处理
- matplotlib,绘图
- sklearn,需要用到一些结果分析函数