(Latex Resume Generator) is a latex cv generator that uses Tera
for templating. It allows the user to generate se-resume (but really any latex cv if you provide your own template) using a json
or yaml
(also yml
) file containing contents to be generated as the cv
Usage: laregen [OPTIONS] --input <input>
-i, --input <input> resume data file in either json or yaml format
-t, --template <template> template file written in tera`s dialect [default: resume.tex]
-o, --output <output> location on disk where you want the output to be written [default: ./output/generated.tex]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
# using the default schema and template
cargo run -- --input ./resources/resume.json
# Passing
cargo run -- -i ./resources/resume.json -t test.tex -o ./output/test-generated.tex
The current implementation only generate cv suited for one template (se-resume).
- Add support for more CV templates generation
- Add support for jsonresume