The SMS Channels package provides an easy way to send SMS messages using multiple channels such as Kavenegar,, and others. With this package, you can easily send your SMS messages through different channels.
You can install the package via Composer using the following command:
composer require mdabagh/smschannels
In your .env
file, you can define the active driver and the settings and keys for each driver. The MSM_DRIVE_ACTIVE
variable specifies the default driver to use.
# mrapi driver
# KAVENEGAR driver
To use the package in your controller, you can use the Sms
facade. First, you need to add the following use
statement to your controller:
use Mdabagh\Smschannels\Facades\Sms;
After that, you can use the sendVerifyCode()
and checkVerifyCode()
methods provided by the Sms
facade to send and verify SMS verification codes. For example:
$phone = '09123456789';
$code = Sms::sendVerifyCode($phone);
// Save $code to verify the code later
// When verifying the code
$key = '1234'; // The code entered by the user
$result = Sms::checkVerifyCode($phone, $key);
if ($result->status) {
$body = $result->body;
// The verification code is correct
} else {
// The verification code is incorrect
The SMS Channels package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.