This digital twin was developed for the University of Michigan’s Mcity Test Facility to support research and development of transportation technology, both academic and commercial. It may be used freely, under the MIT License. To leverage the full set of digital twin capabilities, including live integration with the Mcity Test Facility, please see the Mcity 2.0 initiative, funded by the National Science Foundation.
- Unreal 4.26
- CARLA 0.9.12+
- Ubuntu 20+ or Windows 10+
- Git LFS
In order to download the files properly, you will need to have Git LFS installed. Once installed, you can run the following commands to clone or pull the available content.
Download the content for the first time.
git lfs clone /~
Pull in new content.
git lfs pull
Copy the McityMap
folder inside the source_version
folder and paste it in this location of your source version of CARLA Unreal/CarlaUE4/Content/
Launch your source version of CARLA and navigate to Content/McityMap
. Open up the McityMap_Main
level and enjoy!
Create an McityMap
folder inside your packaged version of CARLA at this location CarlaUE4/Content
. Then copy the contents inside of the packaged_version/windows
or packaged_version/linux
directory and paste it here: CarlaUE4/Content/McityMap
Paste the following lines at the bottom of the CarlaUE4/Config/DefaultGame.ini
file under the [/Script/UnrealEd.ProjectPackagingSettings]
Launch your packaged version of CARLA, run the scripts/
script inside your CARLA python environment and enjoy!
This package DOES NOT include any CARLA or Unreal code or executeables, only content that can be loaded into an existing CarlaUE4 build.
- McityMap_1_6_0.uasset
- Dummy material used purely to quickly show the current release version.
- McityMap_Main.umap
- Main map that contains all props, materials, textures, blueprints, and sublevels.
- Blueprints
- Contains custom traffic light blueprints based on CARLA's original blueprints, but use custom meshes.
- OpenDrive
- McityMap_Main.xodr contains the current OpenDrive file provided and maintained by Mcity.
- xodr.text contains the current version of the OpenDrive (.xodr) file.
- Static
- Contains all meshes, materials, and textures, both dynamic and static.
- Structure is based on CARLA documentation for use with their semantic segmentation sensors.
- Sublevels
- CarlaEnvLighting (dynamic)
- CarlaSigns (dynamic)
- CarlaTrafficLights (dynamic)
- McityMap_OpenDrive (dynamic)
- McityMap_StaticProps (static)
- McityMap_StaticTrafficLights (static)
- McityMap_StreetLights (static, hidden)
- McityMap_Terrain (static)
All 3D static meshes, materials, and textures (with a few exceptions listed below) were created and developed by Quantum Signal AI LLC (QSAI).
- All foliage and some dynamic traffic sign meshes and textures come from the CARLA asset library.
- All other signage has been created using the MUTCD manual as reference (see credits below under LEGAL).
- Custom traffic light blueprints are based on CARLA's original blueprints, but adapted to use custom QSAI meshes and selected textures.
- T_Perlin_Noise_M.uasset and T_MacroVariation.uasset come from Unreal's Starter Content.
- Original aerial imagery obtained and provided by Mcity and used with permission.
Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2024, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
CARLA specific code is released under MIT license and specific assets are distributed under CC-BY License.
University of Michigan logos and markings are trademarked by the University of Michigan and were used with permission.
ASAM OpenDrive Standard is © 2024 by ASAM e.V. All Rights Reserved.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), published by the United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration.