Simple edutainment product created in java for doing your own flashcards.
The product showcased is an edutainment program that functions as a game from which to gain new knowledge, to make learning fun. I have made a product called 'Flashcards', and there is also a popular version of this in the analog world. It involves writing up the questions you have difficulty remembering or just wanting to practice.
In the Flashcard program, you can, as well as the analog version, write up your questions in the text field (as is done by changing the code) as well as write down your answers, thereby practicing your knowledge. There is a text box in the program where you can write down your answer.
Although the function of writing down one's answer is not useful for the program, it is extremely useful in terms of learning. When you write something down, or generally use your knowledge for something (active), you learn your information better.
Once you have written down your answer, you can click on the "Flip card" button, which will appear and you can check if you have remembered correctly.