Python module for monitoring fan RPMs and temperature for amdgpu
cards in i3wm using py3status.
- i3
- py3status
- amdfan
- poetry (if installing from git)
git clone /~
cd py3status-amdfan && poetry install
mkdir -p ~/.i3/py3status && cd ~/.i3/py3status
ln -s <PATH_TO_CLONED_REPO>/src/py3status_amdfan/ ./
pip install py3status-amdfan amdfan
pipenv install py3status-amdfan amdfan
poetry add py3status-amdfan amdfan && poetry install
yay -S py3status-amdfan amdfan
git clone
cd py3status-amdfan.git
makechrootpkg -c -r $HOME/$CHROOT
sudo pacman -U --asdeps py3status-amdfan-*-any.pkg.tar.zst
Next you will need to add the services you want to monitor, and optionally choose some appropriate emoji's. You can also configure actions to open up your browser when you click on the icon, which I find pretty handy.
order += "fan_monitor"
order += "clock"
order += "mail"
You can pass in the following configuration options:
- cache_timeout
- format
Once the package is installed and configured you just need to restart i3.