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Simple backup solution from your server to Google Drive use curl


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Simple backup solution from your server to Google Drive use curl

What can this script do?

  • Create cron auto backup
  • Send error email if upload to Google Drive fail
  • Auto remove old backup on Google Drive
  • Run upload from your backup directory to Google Drive whenever you want
  • Detail log


$HOME (/root or /home/$USER)
   ├── bin
   │    ├── butgg.bash
   │    ├── cron_backup.bash
   │    └── gdrive.bash
   └── .butgg
        ├── butgg.conf
        ├── butgg.log
        ├── detail.log (exist if config email & upload fail)
        └── token.json

OS support(x86_64):

  • Linux: CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE
  • Commercial: CloudLinux, SUSE Linux Enterprise


  • Server, VPS, shared hosting

How to use

On Linux system:

curl -o butgg.bash
bash butgg.bash --setup


Change log



Run command bash butgg.bash --help to show all options( After install you only need run butgg.bash --help)

butgg.bash - Backup to Google Drive solution

Usage: butgg.bash [options] [command]

  --help       show this help message and exit
  --setup      setup or reset all scripts & config file
    config     only setup config
    credential only setup credential
    no-update  setup butgg without update script
  --update     update to latest version
  --uninstall  remove all butgg scripts and .butgg directory


1. Help

butgg.bash --help Show help message and exit

[thanh1@centos7 .gdrive]$ butgg.bash --help
butgg.bash - Backup to Google Drive solution

Usage: butgg.bash [options] [command]

  --help       show this help message and exit
  --setup      setup or reset all scripts & config file
    config     only setup config
    credential only setup credential
    no-update  setup butgg without update script
  --update     update to latest version
  --uninstall  remove all butgg scripts and .butgg directory
2. Setup

butgg.bash --setup Set up or reset all scripts & config file

thanh3@ubuntu1804:~$ bash butgg.bash --setup
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Creating necessary directory...
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Create directory /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Create directory /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Checking OS...
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] OS supported
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Checking necessary package...
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Package curl is installed
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Cheking network...
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:37 ] Connect Github successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:38 ] Connect Google successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:38 ] Downloading gdrive script from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 11707  100 11707    0     0  23274      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 23228
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:39 ] Check md5sum for file gdrive.bash successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:39 ] Downloading script cron file from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 10571  100 10571    0     0  20289      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20250
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:40 ] Check md5sum for file cron_backup.bash successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:40 ] Downloading setup file from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 13999  100 13999    0     0  52235      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 52430
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:40 ] Check md5sum for file butgg.bash successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:32:40 ] Setting up gdrive credential...
Read more: /~
 Your Google API client_id:
 Your Google API client_secret: g7p_kcdNEq_ULsfxrTxxxxxx

Authentication needed
Go to the following url in your browser:

Enter verification code: 4/twHfAyKzH1F9KuDZVLnoe0z8Dy0WwH5S9VMiWOpzMZqIGfF0Xxxxxxx
Generating token file...
Total: 15.00 GB
Used : 0 B
Free : 15.00 GB
[ 29/11/2019 08:33:40 ] Setup gdrive credential successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:33:40 ] Setting up config file...

 Which directory on your server do you want to upload to Google Drive?(default /home/thanh3/backup): 
 How many days do you want to keep backup on Google Drive?(default 7): 

 Your Google folder ID(default None): 

Read more /~'s-password-for-Google-email
 Do you want to send email if upload error(default no)(y/n): 

[ 29/11/2019 08:34:05 ] [WARNING] Directory /home/thanh3/backup does not exist! Ensure you will be create it after.
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] Setup config file successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] Setting up cron backup...
no crontab for thanh3
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] Setup cronjob to backup successful

[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] +-----
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | SUCESSFUL! Your information:
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Backup dir      : /home/thanh3/backup
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Config file     : /home/thanh3/.butgg/butgg.conf
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Log file        : /home/thanh3/.butgg/butgg.log
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Keep backup     : 7 days
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Google folder ID: None
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Your email      : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Email password  : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Email notify    : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | butgg.bash file : /home/thanh3/bin/butgg.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Cron backup file: /home/thanh3/bin/cron_backup.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | gdrive.bash file: /home/thanh3/bin/gdrive.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Cron backup     : 0 0 * * * bash /home/thanh3/bin/cron_backup.bash >/dev/null 2>&1
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] | Google token    : /home/thanh3/.butgg/token.json
[ 29/11/2019 08:34:08 ] +-----

IMPORTANT: Please run command to use butgg: source /home/thanh3/.profile 
If you get trouble when use butgg.bash please report here:

butgg.bash --setup config Only edit butgg.conf

thanh3@ubuntu1804:~$ butgg.bash --setup config
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Creating necessary directory...
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Directory /home/thanh3/.butgg existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Directory /home/thanh3/bin existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:46 ] Setting up config file...

 Which directory on your server do you want to upload to Google Drive?(default /home/thanh3/backup): 
 How many days do you want to keep backup on Google Drive?(default 7): 

 Your Google folder ID(default None): 

Read more /~'s-password-for-Google-email
 Do you want to send email if upload error(default no)(y/n): 

[ 29/11/2019 08:53:50 ] [WARNING] Directory /home/thanh3/backup does not exist! Ensure you will be create it after.
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] Setup config file successful

[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] +-----
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | SUCESSFUL! Your information:
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Backup dir      : /home/thanh3/backup
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Keep backup     : 7 days
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Google folder ID: None
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Your email      : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Email password  : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Email notify    : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] | Config file     : /home/thanh3/.butgg/butgg.conf
[ 29/11/2019 08:53:53 ] +-----

butgg.bash --setup credential Only reset Google Drive token

thanh3@ubuntu1804:~$ butgg.bash --setup credential
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Creating necessary directory...
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Directory /home/thanh3/.butgg existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Directory /home/thanh3/bin existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:20 ] Setting up gdrive credential...

Authentication needed
Go to the following url in your browser:

Enter verification code: 4/twGPcleEacfd6I1VEMSYxpNE0J304z9UeIHoCp17N7cFRJMHfxxxxxx
Generating token file...
Total: 15.00 GB
Used : 7.05 KB
Free : 15.00 GB
[ 29/11/2019 08:54:48 ] Setup gdrive credential successful

butgg.bash --setup no-update Setup butgg without update script

thanh3@ubuntu1804:~$ butgg.bash --setup no-update
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Creating necessary directory...
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Directory /home/thanh3/.butgg existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Directory /home/thanh3/bin existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Checking OS...
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] OS supported
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Checking necessary package...
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Package curl is installed
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Cheking network...
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Connect Github successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Connect Google successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:29 ] Setting up gdrive credential...

Total: 15.00 GB
Used : 7.05 KB
Free : 15.00 GB
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:31 ] Setup gdrive credential successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:31 ] Setting up config file...

 Which directory on your server do you want to upload to Google Drive?(default /home/thanh3/backup): 
 How many days do you want to keep backup on Google Drive?(default 7): 

 Your Google folder ID(default None): 

Read more /~'s-password-for-Google-email
 Do you want to send email if upload error(default no)(y/n): 

[ 29/11/2019 08:56:35 ] [WARNING] Directory /home/thanh3/backup does not exist! Ensure you will be create it after.

[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] Setup config file successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] Setting up cron backup...
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] Cron backup existed. Skip

[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] +-----
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | SUCESSFUL! Your information:
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Backup dir      : /home/thanh3/backup
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Config file     : /home/thanh3/.butgg/butgg.conf
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Log file        : /home/thanh3/.butgg/butgg.log
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Keep backup     : 7 days
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Google folder ID: None
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Your email      : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Email password  : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Email notify    : None
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | butgg.bash file : /home/thanh3/bin/butgg.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Cron backup file: /home/thanh3/bin/cron_backup.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | gdrive.bash file: /home/thanh3/bin/gdrive.bash
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Cron backup     : 0 0 * * * bash /home/thanh3/bin/cron_backup.bash >/dev/null 2>&1
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] | Google token    : /home/thanh3/.butgg/token.json
[ 29/11/2019 08:56:38 ] +-----

IMPORTANT: Please run command to use butgg: source /home/thanh3/.profile 
If you get trouble when use butgg.bash please report here:
3. Update

butgg.bash --update Update to latest version

[thanh1@centos7 .gdrive]$ butgg.bash --update
thanh3@ubuntu1804:~$ butgg.bash --update
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Creating necessary directory...
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Directory /home/thanh3/.butgg existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/.butgg successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Directory /home/thanh3/bin existed. Skip
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Check write to /home/thanh3/bin successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Checking OS...
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] OS supported
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Checking necessary package...
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Package curl is installed
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Cheking network...
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Connect Github successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Connect Google successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:02 ] Downloading gdrive script from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 11707  100 11707    0     0  20793      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20793
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:03 ] Check md5sum for file gdrive.bash successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:03 ] Downloading script cron file from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 10571  100 10571    0     0  20173      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 20173
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:04 ] Check md5sum for file cron_backup.bash successful
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:04 ] Downloading setup file from github...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 14011  100 14011    0     0  22856      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 22893
[ 29/11/2019 08:58:05 ] Check md5sum for file butgg.bash successful
4. Uninstall --uninstall Remove all butgg scripts and .butgg directory

[thanh1@centos7 .gdrive]$ butgg.bash --uninstall
[ 29/11/2019 09:05:14 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 09:05:14 ] Removing all butgg.bash scripts...
[ 29/11/2019 09:05:14 ] Remove all butgg.bash scripts successful
 Do you want remove /home/thanh1/.butgg directory?(y/n) n
[ 29/11/2019 09:05:18 ] Skip remove /home/thanh1/.butgg directory
5. Run upload to Google Drive immediately

cron_backup.bash Run upload to Google Drive immediately without show log cron_backup.bash -v Run upload to Google Drive immediately with show log detail

[thanh1@centos7 ~]$ cron_backup.bash -v
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:54 ] ---
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:54 ] Checking OS...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:55 ] OS supported
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:55 ] Start upload to Google Drive...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:56 ] Directory 14_11_2019 existed. Skipping...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:57 ] Uploading file /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/a.txt to directory 14_11_2019...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:59 ] [UPLOAD] Uploaded file /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/a.txt to directory 14_11_2019
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:59 ] Uploading file /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/b.txt to directory 14_11_2019...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:02 ] [UPLOAD] Uploaded file /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/b.txt to directory 14_11_2019
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:02 ] Uploading directory /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/thanh1 to directory 14_11_2019...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:03 ] [UPLOAD] Uploaded directory /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/thanh1 to directory 14_11_2019
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:03 ] Uploading directory /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/thanh2 to directory 14_11_2019...
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:04 ] [UPLOAD] Uploaded directory /home/thanh1/backup2/backup/thanh2 to directory 14_11_2019
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:04 ] Finish! All files and directories in /home/thanh1/backup2/backup are uploaded to Google Drive in directory 14_11_2019
[ 29/11/2019 09:02:05 ] Directory 15_10_2019 does not exist. Nothing need remove!


Simple backup solution from your server to Google Drive use curl







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