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Cross-chain Swap React Native dApp Scaffold

A ready-to-go template of cross-chain swap dApp with basic React UI components based on Solana Mobile daApp Scaffold. It provides an interface to connect to locally installed wallet apps and perform cross-chain swaps between them.

This React Native dApp is only fully functional on Android.

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Scaffold dApp Screenshot 1 Scaffold dApp Screenshot 2 Scaffold dApp Screenshot 3


If you haven't setup a React Native development environment for Android, you'll need to do that first. Follow the Prerequisite Setup Guide.

Follow the guide to make sure you:

  • setup your Android and React Native development environment.
  • have an Android device or emulator.
  • install an MWA compliant wallet app on your device/emulator.
  • install a WalletConnect compliant wallet app on your device/emulator.


  1. Clone the project
    • git clone /~
  2. Install dependencies
    • yarn install
  3. Set your WalletConnect project ID
  4. Launch the app on your Android device/emulator
    • npx react-native run-android


  1. Connect to an evm wallet app
    • For evm wallets this will open WalletConnect modal to connect to a wallet app.
  2. Connect to a Solana wallet app
    • To connect to a solana wallet app, this mobile dApp uses Solana mobile adapter.
  3. Get a quote
  4. Execute the swap
    • For swaps from Solana to EVM, dApp calls swapFromSolana function and passes the signSolanaTransaction param like this:
        const mwaSignTransaction = useCallback(
        async (tx: Transaction) => {
          return await transact(async (wallet: Web3MobileWallet) => {
            const signedTransactions = await wallet.signTransactions({
              transactions: [tx],
            return signedTransactions[0];
    • To swap from EVM to Solana, use swapFromEvm. For ERC20 tokens make sure user has approved the token transfer before calling this function.